My place is always UNDER, not “at” Superior, Perfect Madam SUSAN’s FEET!

Memories came flooding back today. Big time! I saw a post on Madam Susan (yes, THAT imperious lady who drilled home what I already know since birth probably , that being “talk to her soles, boy! Not Her!”) today on Wechat. And this perfect lady posted something about some new piece of software which allows …

Why nipples are an (or should be, at least) an INTEGRAL part of any femdom toolkit – and when she made fun of my man boobs – and I loved it!

Paye Lagu, Madam JI! I’ve mentioned it galore, I believe. The lady who looked at my cum with a such a mixture of distaste and disgust that I wondered for a second if I was paying her, or if she was paying me! A lady of the night no less, who was probably used to …