Spicy and Erotic Fetish Product List
Donna Carrie Tomo Tre
Donna Carrie Tomo Tre Non ci può essere QUALUNQUE perdita. Di più sulla deliziosa Madam Carrie, e la subdola e l’umiliazione raggiungono un livello completamente nuovo dopo che la deliziosa signora torna dal suo viaggio nel Regno Unito, che a quanto pare è stato un risveglio per lei in termini di femdom. Non che non …
Mademoiselle Carrie Nombre Trois
Mademoiselle Carrie Nombre Trois Il ne tolère y obtenir NULLE issue. Description – Plus d’informations sur la charmante Madame Carrie, et la sournoiserie et l’humiliation atteignent un tout autre niveau après le retour de la charmante dame de son voyage au Royaume-Uni qui a apparemment été un réveil pour elle en termes de domination …
Donna Carrie Parte Due
Donna Carrie Parte Due Arrivando al “grado seguente” Volume n. 2 di Madam Carrie – e la sottomissione di Mike Watson nei confronti della bella (anche se un po’ “sfacciata”) signora della provincia del Sichuan continua senza sosta. Una giovane donna che è emigrata dalle zone rurali in cerca di una vita migliore – e …
Mademoiselle Carrie Partie Deux
Mademoiselle Carrie Partie Deux Aller au « degré supérieur » Le deuxième volume de Madam Carrie – et la soumission de Mike Watson envers la charmante (quoique quelque peu « audacieuse ») dame de la province du Sichuan se poursuivent sans relâche. Une jeune femme qui a migré des zones rurales à la recherche d’une …
Donna Carrie Tomo Uno
Donna Carrie Tomo Uno Quella via fina tra IMMAGINAZIONE e VERIDICITÀ….! Ah, l’adorabile Madam Carrie… l’adorabile, “sfacciata” e NON classicamente “bella” (in effetti, alcuni potrebbero anche dire “grassa”!) signora – 23enne che ho incontrato fugacemente per un po’ mentre ero a caccia di un appartamento nel 2017… Le splendide unghie che mi sono rimaste …
Mademoiselle Carrie Ouvrage 1
Mademoiselle Carrie Ouvrage 1 Cette mince chemin entre INGÉNIOSITÉ et ÉVIDENCE….! Ah, l’adorable Madame Carrie… la charmante, « grosse » et PAS classiquement « belle » (en fait, certains pourraient même dire « grosse » !) dame – 23 ans que j’ai rencontrée fugacement pendant un moment alors que je cherchais un appartement de retour …
Krystal – Il Supporto di Insegnamento La Continuazione
Krystal – Il Supporto di Insegnamento La Continuazione “C’era solo UNA deduzione. Era ineludibile, dal periodo in cui l’ho incontrata” Il viaggio continua, mentre Mike Watson perde il lavoro presso in “Happy Giraffe”, che ovviamente è stato in parte (o principalmente!) Progettato dall’adorabile Madam Krystal e dalla sua altrettanto subdola (e affascinante) Madam Sugar. E, …
Krystal – La Collaboratrice de l’École La Série
Krystal – La Collaboratrice de l’École La Série «Il n’y avait qu’UNE clôture. ‘C’était mais inéluctable, à partir de la minute où je l’ai rencontrée» Le voyage continue, alors que Mike Watson perd son emploi chez « Happy Giraffe », qui bien sûr a été en partie (ou principalement !) conçu par la charmante Madame …
Krystal – La Colaboradora Escolar
Krystal – La Colaboradora Escolar La Consecuencia “Solo había UNA deducción. Fue perenne, desde el momento en que la conocí”. El viaje continúa, mientras Mike Watson pierde su trabajo en “Happy Giraffe”, que por supuesto fue en parte (¡o en su mayor parte!) diseñada por la encantadora Madam Krystal y su igualmente tortuosa (y encantadora) …
Krystal – L’Aiutante Scolastica Parte Tre
Krystal – L’Aiutante Scolastica Parte Tre “È continuo una strada a SENSO UNICO, bimbo, e faresti meglio ad abituarti – e RIMANERE – ad essa!” La storia continua quando il tormentato “eroe” (NON!) viene prestato a un’altra giovane e altrettanto prepotente (e sadica) assistente didattica, “Madam Sugar”. E lei NON è disposta a rinunciare …
Krystal – L’Aidante Didactique Volume Trois
Krystal – La’AidanteDidactique Volume Trois “C’est sans cesse une rue À SENS UNIQUE, mon jeune, et tu ferais mieux de t’y habituer – et de RESTER -!” Description III: L’histoire continue lorsque le « héros » en difficulté (PAS !) est prêté à une autre jeune assistante pédagogique tout aussi dominatrice (et sadique), « Madame …
Krystal – La Ayudante Didáctica Parte Tres
Krystal – La Ayudante Didáctica Parte Tres “Eternamente es una calle de UN SOLO SENTIDO, joven, ¡y será preferible que te acostumbres y TE QUEDES!” La historia continúa cuando el asediado “héroe” (¡NO!) es prestado a otra joven e igualmente dominante (y sádica) asistente docente, “Madam Sugar”. ¡Y ella NO está dispuesta a ceder ni …
The Bhagwati Devi Sex Files Subscription
Smoking hot sex encounters with a female dominant twist sent out to your Inbox on a monthly basis. Yours truly and the lovely Bhagwati Devi – lots of you have wanted this – here it is NOW! What you’ll get from this subscription– 15 steamy hot tales per month in a digest format – sent …
Krystal – l’Aiutante da Scuola Parte Due
Krystal – l’Aiutante da Scuola Parte Due “Conosci il punteggio, bimbo! Riguarda me, e solo ME alla fine della giornata!” Madame Krystal è tornata in pieno vigore indossando quel suo bellissimo vestito bianco, ma NON è sola, amico mio. Oh no, non lo è – ha un collega più anziano che sta portando con sé …
Krystal – L’aide scolaire Partie 2
Madame Krystal est de retour en force, vêtue de sa belle robe blanche – mais elle n’est PAS seule, mon ami. Oh non, ce n’est pas le cas – il a un collègue plus âgé qu’il emmène en voyage, et croyez-moi maintenant et faites-moi confiance plus tard – le vieux Watson est partant pour le …
Krystal – La ayudante de la Escuela Parte 2
Krystal – La ayudante de la Escuela Parte 2 “¡Sabes la partitura, muchacho! ¡Todo se trata de mí, y solo de MÍ al final del día!” Madame Krystal regresa con toda su fuerza luciendo ese hermoso vestido blanco suyo – pero NO está sola, amigo mío. Oh, no, no lo está – tiene una colega …
Krystal – l’Assesseure de l’École Partie 1
Krystal – l’Assesseure de l’École Partie 1 …. C’était tout NÉANMOINS! …. «Pas seulement Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle Krystal, mon jouvenceau!» Krystal, l’Assistante PÉDAGOGIQUE Elle était tout MAIS… ! (et m’a probablement appris plus sur la vie que je ne pourrais jamais « en apprendre » dans n’importe quelle école – ou enseigner n’importe quelle autre école …
Krystal – L’Aiutante Scolastica Parte Uno
Krystal – L’Aiutante Scolastica Parte Uno …. Quello era tutt’altro che MA! …. “Non solo Donna! Donna Krystal, uomo! Krystal, l’assistente didattico Lei era tutto MA…! (e probabilmente mi ha insegnato più sulla vita di quanto avrei mai potuto “imparare” in qualsiasi scuola – o insegnare a qualsiasi studente, eheh) Quando sono entrato per la …
Krystal – La Ayudante de la Escuela Volumen Uno
Krystal – La Ayudante de la Escuela Volumen Uno …. ¡Eso fue cualquier cosa PERO! …. “¡No solo Dama! ¡Dama Krystal, hombre ! Krystal, la Asistente DOCENTE ¡Ella era todo MENOS…! (y probablemente me enseñó sobre la vida más de lo que jamás podría “aprender” en cualquier escuela – o enseñar cualquier estudiante, jeje) …
Letture di Lady Garima
Letture di Lady Garima Due Storie di Dominazione Femminile Questa raccolta include il libro iniziale “Garima Madam’s Bitch” – – e il prologo molto apprezzato – “Garima Madam – the Prequel”. Prendilo adesso!! Non solo Signora, RAGAZZO! *schiaffo*! SIGNORA… JI! E ricordo così bene quella LEZIONE, Malkin… JI! Signora, OGNI …
Signora Garima – L’antecedente
Signora Garima – L’antecedente Da semplice donna di provincia a… “SIGNORA Garima Ji Da semplice ragazza del villaggio a… “Lady Garima JI”…! (Recensioni entusiastiche ovunque, acquistalo ORA!) In questo contesto (ambientato prima di “Lady Garima’s Servant”) approfondiamo il passato di Garima e come è diventata quello che è OGGI. Lo studente supera il suo Maestro …
Custom Content!
Lots of you are enjoying the foot shows Mike puts on at the you tube channel – so much so that I’ve even had requests for custom photo/video content for my soles, my domination where applicable – and more! Samples of what you can expect to see – on our YouTube and Instagram channels! And, …
Pensieri sottomessi (nella Cina del continente) Volume 1
Pensieri sottomessi (nella Cina del continente) Volume 1 Il fascino delle suole nude di una signorina, insieme a quello “viso negli occhi”… “Mettiti nel amore, ragazzo!” Tema(i) prevalente(i) -Trovazione, servitù maschile, umiliazione Questa è la prima di una serie di newsletter mensili (o forse bisettimanali – vedremo) di Mike Watson a tema femdom. È da …
La Domestica del Sesso di Principessa Garima
La Domestica del Sesso di Principessa Garima Una Letteratura di Dominio Femminile Una storia di dominazione femminile – e di sottomissione TOTALE… Un inglese che lavora all’estero trova il suo “destino” – e NON è quello che mi aspettavo quando ho accettato una posizione di espatriato in India. Nemmeno nei suoi sogni più sfrenati …
Garima Madame – La Lecture
Deux Romans de Domination Féminine Cette compilation comprend le livre initial “Garima Madam’s Bitch” – – et le prologue très bien accueilli – “Garima Madam – the Prequel”. Prenez-le maintenant !! Pas seulement Madame, GARÇON ! *claque* ! MADAME… JI ! Et je me souviens tellement de cette LEÇON, Malkin… JI ! …
UNLOCK ACHIEVEMENT IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE AT LEVELS YOU NEVER IMAGINED OR DREAMT OF POSSIBLE – on AUTO PILOT. SPECIAL PRE-ORDER PRICE! And achievement too. While a full sales page is on the way to this, chastity is one of the things I’ve spoken about a lot. In Sissy Gasm Central, you learn about …
Garima Dame – L’Antécédent
D’une pauvre femme d’une petite village à … “Garima DAME Ji“ Par Mike Watson D’une simple fille d’une petite ville à… “Garima Madam JI”…! (Critiques élogieuses TOUT autour – saisissez-le MAINTENANT!) Dans cette préquelle (qui se déroule avant “Garima Madam’s bitch”), nous plongeons dans le passé de Garima – et comment elle est devenue ce …
Las Lecturas de la Dama Garima
Las Lecturas de la Dama Garima Dos historias de Dominación Femenina Esta compilación incluye el libro inicial “La Sirvienta de la Dama Garima” – – y el prólogo muy bien recibido – “La Dama Garima -El Antecedente”. ¡¡Llevalo ahora!! ¡No solo Dama, MUCHACHO! *golpe* ! DAMA… ¡JI! Y recuerdo tanto esa …
La Dama Garima – El antecedente
La Dama Garima – El antecedente De una básica muchacha de campo a… “DAMA Garima Ji“ ¡De una simple chica de pueblo a… “Dama Garima JI”…! (Críticas entusiastas por todas partes, ¡consíguelo AHORA!) En este antecedente (ambientado antes de “La Sirvienta de la Dama Garima”) profundizamos en el pasado de Garima y cómo se convirtió …
16 INCREIBLEMENTE PODEROSAS AFIRMACIONES para atraer FEMDOM a ti – como la polilla a la luz – en PILOTO AUTOMATICO
Atraer el verdadero fendom a usted – NATURALMENTE- sin esfuerzo consciente! Atrae a la mujer dominante de tus sueños – o al HOMBRE VERDADERAMENTE SUMISIVO que siempre has DESEADO – ¡SIN NINGÚN esfuerzo consciente! Atrae a la VERDADERA femdom hacia TI – NATURALMENTE- SIN esfuerzo consciente – ¡¡¡EN PILOTO AUTOMÁTICO!!! Querido Lector, Estaba hablando con …
Le Serviteur de la Dame Garima
Le Serviteur de la Dame Garima Un Roman de Pouvoir Féminine Un Anglais travaillant à l’étranger trouve son “destin” – et ce n’est PAS ce à quoi je m’attendais en acceptant un poste d’expatrié en Inde. Même dans ses rêves les plus fous, il n’aurait pas imaginé l’érotique et sensuelle « Garima », qu’il a …
Una guía completa para entender a las damas chinas dominantes del continente … …. para el hombre verdaderamente sumiso …
Una guía completa para entender a las damas chinas dominantes del continente … …. para el hombre verdaderamente sumiso … 20 consejos de poder y de MUNDO REAL para conseguirte la dama china dominante de tus sueños. 20 consejos poderosos y del MUNDO REAL para conseguirte la dama china dominante de tus sueños. Pero en realidad, …
Pensées modérées (en Chine continentale) Volume 1
Pensées modérées (en Chine continentale) Volume 1 Le charme des pieds nus d’une princesse, avec ce “regard dans les yeux”… « Fais le par derrière, mec ! » Thème(s) prédominant(s) – Findom, bondage masculin, humiliation Ceci est le premier d’une série de newsletters mensuelles (ou peut-être bi-hebdomadaires – nous verrons) de Mike Watson. J’écris des romans basés sur …
La Sirvienta de la Dama Garima (Garima Madam’s bitch – Spanish version)
La Sirvienta de la Dama Garima Una Historia de Dominación Femenina Una historia de dominación femenina – y sumisión TOTAL… Un inglés que trabaja en el extranjero encuentra su “destino” – y NO es lo que esperaba al asumir un puesto de expatriado en la India. Ni en sus sueños más locos hubiera imaginado a …
15 CARDINAL rules of successful and SATISFYING FINDOM.
15 CARDINAL rules of successful and SATISFYING FINDOM. by Mike Watson
¡15 maneras de darle el orgasmo arruinado de su vida!
OUR WORLD FAMOUS BOOK ON RUINED ORGASMS NOW IN SPANISH! Querido lector, Si estas leyendo esto, lo más probables es que sepas lo que un orgasmo arruinado significa, y probablemente también este interesado en este tema. Si es así, no te culpo. Los orgasmos arruinados son uno de los mejores “trucos” en el mundo del …
Pensamientos subyugados (en China continental) Volumen 1
Submissive Musings in Mainland China – Volume one – now IN SPANISH! Translated by Paula Banda Rendon. El encanto de los pies desnudos de una princesa, junto con esa “mirada en los ojos”… “¡Haz el sexo ANAL, hombre!” Tema(s) predominante(s) – Findom, servidumbre masculina, humillación Este es el primero de una serie de boletines informativos …
15 MORE odes to ROYAL GODDESS Bhagwati Devi
I’ve been redued to a GIBBERING MESS, but here we go – 15 MORE odes to a royal force of nature like no other that makes me QUIVER with UNSATED – forever – SUBMISSIVE – supplicant, female Goddess like LUST – when I see her. She is a queen incarnate. You will NEVER look at …
(Volumes I and 2) Attract TRUE and LASTING femdom to YOU – NATURALLY- with NO conscious effort – on AUTO PILOT!! Volumes 1 and 2 of this incredibly popular series (and rightly so) which teaches you how to control and TRAIN your subconscious mind to attract true and LASTING (the only kind that really matters) …
PROFOUND POSES – The Compilation
34 STUNNINGLY DOMINANT poses that will GET in your MIND – SEAR that LOOK into your SOUL – and EMBLAZON TRUE FEMDOM ONTO YOU like nothing else! Volumes 1 and 2 in this compilation. Grab it NOW!
17 MORE poses that will GET in your MIND – SEAR that LOOK into your SOUL – and EMBLAZON TRUE FEMDOM ONTO YOU like nothing else! What is DIFFERENT about Volume Two? Some of the positions will be “clubbed” together – for reasons you’ll see below – three’s even more of a turn than one …
Red hot Indian femdom trilogy – three tales of SIZZLING HOT female domination from the subcontinent by Mike Watson. Enjoy!
Pooja Memsahib … JI! – The COMPILATION!
This book is the compilation containing BOTH the volumes of “Pooja Memsahib … JI!” – probably and likely the most BLASE AND DEBASE femdom oriented book I’ve ever written, and thats saying a lot! My, these Indian ladies, MY, that harsh gravelly VOICE SHOUTING OUT – MY, those lovely brown calves as she relaxes, that lovely …
25 odes to alpha males in underwear!
Benefits and who this course is FOR – simple! AROUSAL! Nothing turns on – more simply, yet more brutally – than COCK my friend! I’ll always remember a person “Etienne” on a forum once discussing why even non homosexual folks found cock sexy (whether they admit it or not) and the LURE of an erect …
15 odes to older ladies … THAT SO DESERVE IT!
Ma Ji, Paye Lagu. You’re SO NICE, you make me SO WEAK! BENEFITS that REAL submissives will get from imbibing the lessons and vibes from this book (and what you’ll LEARN in general) You will find that worshipping an older woman is by extension in many ways a lot more interesting than doing so for …
Femdom ODES – the READER!
Femdom ODES – the READER! 90 Odes to the some of the most RAVISHINGLY, naturally DOMINATING females I’ve been fortunate and privileged to meet – and serve – one being my WIFE! FOUR VOLUMES IN ONE!!! Contains – 15 ODES to PERFECT Madam Susan … -Why? Why Susan? Because she’s just so PERFECT! So commanding, such …
25 ODES to Indian maids, they so DESERVE IT!
25 ODES to Indian maids, they so DESERVE IT! The ONE book that will truly teach you about being underfoot – under feet CAKED with GRIME – feet and their owners that are routinely disrespected, therefore should be worshipped MORE for being the queens and PERFECT GODDESSES THEY ARE! BENEFITS FOR EVERY TRUE FEMDOM LOVER …
16 Incredibly Powerful Femdom Affirmations – Volume Two
16 INCREDIBLY POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS to attract FEMDOM to you – like a MOTH to a FLAME – on AUTO PILOT! Volume Two by Mike Watson Volume Two picks up where Volume One left off. Get it NOW! And delve even DEEPER into the world of REAL, lasting, 24/7 femdom!
Sissy Workouts!
Sissy WORKOUTS! PRE-ORDER (Special PRICE for the pre-order – get this now – price goes up SOON!) Get yourself -or your SISSY – in the best shape of her life to do what SHE does BEST – be a SISSY! Hehe. 25 Sissy workouts (and isometric holds) that will build the SISSY body of your …
PENIS WORSHIP – the COMPILATION! By far the MOST COMPREHENSIVE COMPILATION ON PENIS WORSHIP – NEVER seen before mindblowing tips that will have any penis owner BEGGING for more! Contains – Cock Worship for Sissies and Faggots by Mike Watson, Penis Central by Mike Watson 195 pages of NEVER seen before – or written …
Penis Central – the definitive guide on worshipping penises of any shape, nature, color, size, and more!
THIS book focuses on the ass, period. THIS book is the “101” to Sissygasm Central, if I might say that. THIS book is for you ass lovers out there. THIS book is really what you SEE when you first see ass, and want to KISS it, worship every INCH of those regal BUTTCHEEKS! THIS book …
HERE is where you can send in pictures of your tiny dickies, and they’ll be posted FOREVER And EVER, SISSY! And of course, REMEMBER To send in a brief blurb along with it, or nothing doing. (NO documents, please – just a FACE – and enough to identify you so we can ALL laugh and …
25 ancient, SCINTILLATING, FORGOTTEN AND RED HOT “secret shamianic” ways to BUST HIS BALLS until he begs for mercy and NEVER asks for sexual favors again! Benefits (for the dominant WOMAN that loves to bust balls!) Remove all FEAR of ball busting you might have had, and proceed with GAY ABANDON! Humiliate and emasculate him …
17 poses that will GET in your MIND – SEAR that LOOK into your SOUL – and EMBLAZON TRUE FEMDOM ONTO YOU like nothing else!
16 ways to give him the nipple GASM of his LIFE – and have him SALIVATING – for MORE! (with REAL experiences – and a BONUS!) Take your submissiveness – and your DOMINANT SIDE to hitherto “unplumbed” (pun intended) and UNSCALED (pun intended, Madam!) LEVELS! BENEFITS OF NIPPLE-GASMS, and why EVERY MAN (or woman) should try …
Pooja Memsahib … JI! Volume TWO
Volume #2 in the bestselling Pooja Memsahib … JI! series. CRAVEN humiliation, degradation, ABJECT submission, and MORE!
Pooja Memsahib … JI! Volume One
Volume #1 in the bestselling “Pooja Memsahib … JI!” series. Abject humiliation and degradation like NEVER SEEN BEFORE.
25 ODES to Perfect Pooja Memsahib …. JI! ….. and ……
25 Odes to a true GODDESS and imperious force of NATURE.
. . . and how LEARNING from these experiences can benefit YOU the prospective femdom enthusiast (male or female!)
15 ODES to PERFECT Madam Susan …
Why? Why Susan? Because she’s just so PERFECT! So commanding, such a GODDESS, so NATURALLY DOMINANT, so perfect!
A must read for all you sissies out there. Includes BOTH Sissy Central and Sissygasm-Central – as well as Cock Worship for Sissies and FAGGOTS! Truly a BARGAIN GRAB.
17 ways to give him (or yourself) the sissygasm of “her” sissy LIFE – and the DEFINITIVE and ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND COURSE ON SISSYDOM! YES!
FEMDOM TIPS – Volume #3
Volume #3 in the immensely popular pathbreaking “Femdom Tips” series by Mike Watson.
Femdom tips – Vol#1 – Vol #3
This compilation contains Volume 1 – 3 in the pathbreaking “Femdom tips” series by the one and only “Real Mc Coy of Femdom” Mike Watson. Down, BOY!
Cock Worship for Sissies and Faggots
HER FEET – HER SOLES! SERVING HER – in ANY WAY SHE WANTS … DOWN AT HER FEET! Below them! And then, the NATURAL PROGRESSION … BOY! Yes, you KNEW IT! Feet and cock, boy! FEET – and … cock! FEET – and COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW! Your MASTER … YOUR GOD! Suckie, SUCKIE, SISSY! YOU KNOW……!!! If you’re a dominant …
Sin City Diaries Compilations (Volume 1-3)
30 true trips down memory lane featuring … The lady of the night that looked at my ejaculate in such utter disgust, that you’d think she was the one paying me … and not the other way around! Madam Su, and how EXPERTLY she cuckolded me … and so natural was it, that it felt like I …
Asian Femdom Compilation – Meeting Ms. Chen, Owned by Madam Aa Ling, The double agent, 25 million dollars, Serving Ann and Madam Carrie!
“A man’s place is always under a womans foot, and you better understand that, BOY!” A NINE IN ONE VALUE Includes – Meeting Ms. Chen (critically acclaimed!) Owned by Madam Aa Ling (very well received too!) The Double Agent (a classic indeed!) 25 million dollars (a tale of deception and FEMDOM…) Serving Ann (another classic!!) …
Asian Femdom Compilation – Sophia Bai, Serving Ann, Miss V, Mai, my lovely maid and Meeting Ms. Chen!
“A man’s true place is ALWAYS under a woman’s shoe… LESS than the dust beneath it!” This ONCE IN A LIFETIME compilation is SEVEN IN ONE “value for money”! Includes – – Sophia Bai (the initial bestseller) – Sophia Bai (the sequels — BOTH OF THEM!) – Serving Ann – Mai, my lovely Indian Maid – …
Sin City Diaries – Volume #3
“It’s always about HER benefit, boy, and you better not forget it!” Dear Reader, Welcome to the THIRD installment of Sin City Diaries – – and if you’re with me thus far in terms of the series, you won’t need any introduction at all to what this series is about. I’ve always maintained that if …
Asian Femdom Compilation – Meeting Ms. Chen, Owned by Madam Aa Ling, The double agent, 25 million dollars and Serving Ann!
This compilation includes many oldies, but GOODIES. And indeed – – they seemed innocuous enough when I met them …. BUT … they were anything … BUT! Includes Meeting Ms. Chen (truly a CLASSIC) Owned by Madam Aa Ling (rave reviews – – see the sales page for more!) The Double Agent (another one of …
16 INCREDIBLY POWERFUL Femdom Affirmations
Attract the dominant lady of your dreams – or the TRULY SUBMISSIVE MALE you’ve always WANTED – with NO conscious effort! Attract TRUE femdom to YOU – NATURALLY- with NO conscious effort! 16 Practical tips you can start using NOW to attract femdom into your life rightaway.
Asian Femdom Compilation – Owned by Madam Aa Ling, and the Empress Cody series.
Somehow it seems so appropriate that there is a compilation involving these two GORGEOUS and utterly DOMINANT from the GET GO- ladies!! Madam Aa Ling was my first Chinese femdom themed novel, and I met her all those years ago – and the memory is as vivid, and distinct as it was back when …
Asian Femdom Compilation – Serving Ann, Miss V, Mai, my lovely maid and Meeting Ms. Chen!
This compilation includes four immensely popular books – for the price of one! FOUR IN ONE! Included – Serving Ann Mai, my lovely Indian Maid Miss V – Beauty Salon Meeting Ms. Chen
Indian Femdom – TWO COMPLETE STORIES.pdf
Indian Femdom – TWO COMPLETE STORIES.pdf (Note – we are currently having trouble with the DIGITAL download for this – if you’re unable to access the digital download, contact Mike via the contact form, and we’ll enable access on a per user basis for this download). (We will enable access to each of the …
Sin City Diaries – Volume #2
This book is for you if … You’re interested in learning about “how it was back in the day” when Dongguan was “sin city of the world! For most people today, they cannot imagine what it was like back then – – this series is an attempt to “unravel the shrouds of time” as it …
Sophia Bai – The Complete Book
The COMPLETE – – and immensely popular – – and indeed “written in the flow” Sophia Bai series! – Sophia Bai (the BOOK) – Sophia Bai (Sequel #1) – Sophia Bai (Sequel #2)
Krystal – The Teaching Assistant – the Complete Three parts
Volumes One – Three of the stunning femdom series “Krystal – the Teaching Assistant – she was anything BUT!” – by Mike Watson
The Madam Carrie READER!
The bestselling Madam Carrie series – in an “all in one” package for YOU! FOUR IN ONE!! Includes – Madam Carrie (Volume 1 – 4) “Holle, BOY!” …. The series that spawned not one (as originally INTENDED!) – but FOUR bestselling books dedicated to (always at your feet, Madam ji!) – Madam Carrie – not …
The Garima Madam Reader
Not just Madam, BOY! *smack* ! MADAM … JI! And I so remember that LESSON, Malkin… JI! This compilation includes the initial “Garima Madam’s Bitch” book – – and the very well received prologue – “Garima Madam – the Prequel”. Grab it now!!
Serving an Indian Goddess – the Sequel – Complete Two Parts
The two sequels for “Serving an Indian Goddess” that take things to an entirely new level. It’s been said that life always comes full circle, and what was meant to be – will happen – regardless. “We just chipped away the rough edges” as Colonel Trautman said in the world famous movie “Rambo III”. And …
Serving an Indian Goddess – The Complete Three Parts
Serving an Indian Goddess- the complete three parts by Mike Watson
Serving an Indian Goddess – the COMPLETE TWO NOVELS
Serving an Indian Goddess – the Complete Compilation by Mike Watson
Serving an Indian Goddess – The Sequel – Part Two of Two
Serving an Indian Goddess – The Sequel – Part Two of Two
Serving an Indian Goddess – the Sequel – Part One of Two
Serving an Indian Goddess – the Sequel – Part One of Two
Serving an Indian Goddess – Part three of three
Serving an Indian Goddess – Part three of three Jyoti Ma’am, Paye Lagu! This Volume takes you onward from where Volume Two left off. You’ll enjoy the femdom tales and experiences I was put through – as Madam learnt more and more about it too (though it was always there in both of us – …
Serving an Indian Goddess – part Two
Serving an Indian Goddess – part Two This Volume takes you from where we left off in Volume One – which was Madam (and me!) getting used to the Madam-slave relationship – it was a first for both of us!! (especially Madam). And, the ease with which Madam took to it – it was always …
Serving an Indian Goddess – Part One
Serving an Indian Goddess – Part One Part one of the world famous and “hauntingly” beautiful series – the background on how I met Priyanka – or Jyoti, as the case might be – and how what was always meant to happen HAPPENED – as it always does! I still remember those lovely pink slippers, …
Garima Madam – the Prequel
Garima Madam – the Prequel A behind the scenes look at how a simple small town girl became, through “dint of circumstance” (which is one of the most powerful motivators ever to DO!) – to a dominant female woman that was always residing inside of her – but that she couldn’t herself in her wildest …
Garima Madam’s bitch
Garima Madam’s bitch A tale of female domination – and UTTER submission … (Now in Spanish – and other languages too as we “speak”! ) An Englishman working abroad finds his “destiny” – and it’s NOT what he had expected upon taking on an expat position in India. Not in his wildest dreams would he …
Her Brown Slut
Her Brown Slut is NOT my first tale of interracial femdom. But it is IS a tale of interracial – except it’s in a way you wouldn’t think. White on “colored”, and more, and BOY – it’s so – DAMN SEXY! (And a certain Mistress Vixen comes to mind, who was equally gorgeous, hehe).
Femdom tips – Volume #2
Volume Two in the immensely popular and education femdom series “Femdom Tips” by Mike Watson.
Princess Sherry
Submissive Musings in Mainland China – Volume Two Starring PRINCESS SHERRY! A mind fuck if any – exercise EXTREME CAUTION ON THIS ONE! Mike Watson
Femdom Tips – Volume 1
Volume One in the pathbreaking and immensely popular “Femdom Tips” series by Mike Watson
FEMDOM CENTRAL 15 femdom experiences that will leave you GASPING for breath – and salivating for more! I say 15, but … I say it’s 15 experiences, but in all reality, you’ll get way more than 15 if you apply your mind to it. In fact even the first experience has several sub experiences and …
Cuck Central
Why am I qualified to write this? I’ve had plenty of homosexual fantasies – – and encounters along those lines as well which initially left me feeling “powerless” and “used” – – but upon probing these feelings, I realized that it was actually a part of me I was trying to repress all along for …
Sin City Diaries – Volume #1
This book is for you if … You’re interested in learning about “how it was back in the day” when Dongguan was “sin city of the world! For most people today, they cannot imagine what it was like back then – – this series is an attempt to “unravel the shrouds of time” as …
Humiliation CENTRAL
25 Ways to TRULY humiliate him and have him GROVELING for more … What you’ll learn from this manual If you’re a dominant Lady … How to completely humiliate him … like you never have before, and ENJOY it immensely. How to unleash your inner POWER as a true GODDESS – as you were meant to be – …
15 ways to give him the ruined orgasm of his LIFE
And leave him GROVELING FOR MORE! Ruined orgasms are truly the best “tool” (pun intended) to reduce the male of the species to a blubbering compliant (with females) mess – ever ready to please, “tongue out” – and “on edge” perenially, always denied an orgasm – but not the “release” if you get my drift! …
Submissive Musings (in mainland China) – Vol #1
“Plug you in the ASS, boy!” Overriding theme(s) – Findom, male servitude, humiliation This is the first in a series of monthly (or perhaps bi-weekly – we’ll see) femdom themed newsletter from Mike Watson. I’ve been writing femdom based novellas for a while now, but figured NOW was the time to “open up a bit …
A complete guide to understanding dominant Chinese ladies from the mainland …
20 power packed and REAL WORLD tips to get YOU the dominant Chinese lady of your dreams. But really, this works for ALL ladies – and even VANILLA COUPLES – see the reviews below from the “horse’s mouth”. EXCLUSIVE SECRETS that have NOT BEEN revealed until now – in ANY of my COURSES This book has been written for a very …