15 ODES to PERFECT Madam Susan …
Why? Why Susan? Because she’s just so PERFECT! So commanding, such a GODDESS, so NATURALLY DOMINANT, so perfect!
Paye Lagu, Madam … JI! (Mike Watson)
“The worst of experiences can be turned, and indeed do turn into the best at times, and Madam Krystal, Madam Sugar, Madam Yang and the scores of other utterly lovely dominant Chinese ladies I’ve had the great privilege of “being with” if I might be permitted to use the term bear striking testament to this”
“There are no depths of degradation that cannot be plumbed, no humiliation too extreme, no punishment too severe for a servant, especially when with these lovely, dominant, demanding and imperious Chinese ladies, and Madam Krystal is at the very top of a most illustrious “heap” if I might use the term.”
Mike Watson, October 2017, “Krystal – the Teaching Assistant – the Second Sequel”
“Servant! Turn off the light, and rub my lower back for me! I want to sleep, be quiet now!”
Madam Suvi, October 2017, “Mai, my lovely maid”
“She’s a stunningly beautiful 23 year old lady from Guangxi province in Southern China, and can speak a little English (not a lot).
She works as a generalist in one of the factories around here, but of course, as with most of the Chinese ladies I’ve met, she’s got but one goal in mind, and my legs literally melted upon looking at that picture, those large knowing black Chinese eyes, and that lovely long straight hair of hers … and that look, God, that look that blazed out at me from the word “go”!
My God, it reminds of me a young Empress Cody, and though I’m not in the least bit concerned about the Empress’s age, I suppose that is another reason I bring this up here.”
Mike Watson, October 2017 “Empress Cody – Volume #4”
And the BEST amongst all this!
At the end of the day, true femdom can but be measured by ONE thing and one thing alone – – that “look” in the eyes. That knowing look. That sly titter- – that tacit acknowledgement of a submissive lady in HER presence, the goal being ONE – – that is to use, and manipulate for HER own pleasure … as it always SHOULD be.
Mike Watson, April 2018, “A complete guide to the mainland Chinese female for the truly submissive male”.
Paye Lagu, Madam JI!
And the last quote is one especially to bear in mind as we move this, and especially given the nature of this book, dedicated to that ONE lady – that one and only – perfect MADAM SUSAN!
Because she’s just so normally dominant, boy!
Or, Madam, depending upon whose reading this (or Sir, hehe).
Valid question, and I would NOT blame you one bit for asking!
Especially given all my femdom writing about other ladies, who are all in their way own way equally imperious and commanding, and equally DEMANDING … especially that lovely lass Princess Joanie, to whom TWO manuals and one book is dedicated!
And Sophia Bai.
Madam Carrie.
Perfect Madam Su, cuckoldres au extraordinnairre!
But really, some ladies just have it.
Femdom is something that if you’re truly into it – – words aren’t necessary. They weren’t for Madam Pearl and me, as y’all know!
…. BOY! 😉
And that one night as I met Madam Susan online, perfect Madam Susan, it was much like I met Princess Joanie a few short months ago.
And we all know what happened there, hehe.
But much like that younger lady weaved an imperious and HUMILIATING smell (spell!) over me with her EYES, and her ATTITUDE from the word GO, so did Susan!
There was something about her!
“Madam, you’re always superior to me! My place is always UNDER your feet, and in our relationship YOU should benefit more!”
That was one of the third or fourth things I said to her – – so strong was that vibe!
And that vibe is what lasts until this day.
You guys have read ALL about her in the Madam Carrie series, so I won’t detail those stories again.
But for now, this short little book is an ODE to Madam Susan, and my feelings about her on an almost daily basis.
She is truly one a GODDESS … ONE and ONLY!
Perfect Madam Susan, Paye Lagu, Madam JI!
You truly DO DESERVE IT!