Empress Cody
“Not just one, boy! I need a LOT of servants!”
When I first “met” Empress Cody online (as I have so many others!) – there was NO doubt about who she was (in terms of femdom) and NO indirect “introductions” to femdom either (for yours truly!).
Unlike so many others – such as Sophia Bai, or perhaps even the Indian Goddess who the “Indian Goddess series” is devoted (should I say “devoted” – or “dedicated” or both hehe) – – or Madam Carrie, who at least took SOME time to work into it – – Cody didn’t.
When we were discussing what to call her, I gave her many suggestions.
“How about Miss Cody?”, I queried.
Bad move.
“Or … Madam Cody? Princess Cody…or even Goddess Cody”, I queried very tentatively?
“I don’t like any of those, BOY!” (and the “boy” was left unsaid at that point, but as I’ve said so many times before, WORDS are NOT always necessary – and certainly with this magnificent, almost “Amazonian” (in a lovely way!) – DOMINANT female force of nature – a confident femme fatale if there ever was one!
That part is detailed in the book – – as is the part about how she wanted me to send her topless pictures – which of course she ended up showing to her husband despite promising NOT to.
A bit “queer” (pun intended!) – I thought at the time.
But I soon found out WHY – my friend. Oh yes I did – and no – the reason ain’t necessarily what you’re thinking either!
This was my last full time writing assignment for a while, but a sequel is definitely in the works. Stay tuned!
Empress Cody – Volume #1 |
Ah, Cody. Empress Cody as you so adroitly told me that Tuesday night (I believe it was Tuesday, at any rate) – and THIS book is yet another example of the oft-blurred lines between reality and fantasy – especially when writing fiction, hehe. While Madam (uh, Empress) Cody is probably NOT aware of the “maelstorm” her conversations (and subsequent occurences, of course) started – it behooves me to give credit where credit is due in terms of the inspiration – and that came from the lovely Cody herself!
Empress Cody – Volume #2 |
Yours truly is sucked (sic) further and further into the Empress’s vortex – but he is by far NOT the only one. Along with him is a “long suffering” (hehe) husband who has long since given up any idea of resistance, and the path of least resistance is indeed the least painful (figuratively speaking) as you’ll come to know when it comes to the regal Empress.
We’re also introduced to a certain “Blowjob Betty” in this Volume. Hmmm … I wonder WHO that might be? 😉
Empress Cody – Volume #3![]() |
The fun just continues as Empress Cody takes delight in “owning” every minute of her two servant’s life – and not just at home either! Public humiliation – and that too in front of “strangers” is one interesting aspect of this book, but certainly NOT the only one.
The burning question is – is TWO enough?? Evidently not, as ole Watson is tasked with finding “perfect” servant #3 – and he better well be perfect or else!
Empress Cody – Volume #4
Humpie, boy, humpie!
Those words still ring out in the “recesses of my mind” as the final installment in the Empress Cody series roars to a halt – until the Sequel shows up, that is, and rest assured – it WILL show up at some point in time. For now though, (male) humiliation, utter degradation and debasement is the theme here – enjoy!