Serving Ann
Ann is always right … and you are always WRONG!
Serving Ann is one of those works that I never quite got around to completing in it’s entirety – as opposed to “Sophia Bai” and a few others, THIS one was supposed to be more than a few Volumes, but as of now, I’ve got only ONE written.
While femdom is no doubt the central theme as with the other books, a point oft-made is that “true” femdom is often not so much about external looks and appearance as it is the mindset, which usually manifests itself via “that look in the eye” (as I seem never to tire of mentioning in the books, hehe). This story is a perfect example of just that …
This is another one of those books written in HER VOICE – not Mike Watson’s!
Book Excerpt (Findom, humiliation …!)
“Why do you want to buy things for me?”
“Why did you want to buy the facial kit for me”, I continued.
“Well, uh, I should…shouldn’t I, Madam Ann?”
And the way in which he said wasn’t a question. It was more of a statement being posed as a question, the only thing remaining being for me to “rubber stamp” and “ok” it.
But I didn’t do that right away.
“We’re just friends, Michael”, I said. “You don’t have to do that”.
“Well, Madam Ann, yes, we’re just friends. But, what if your “male friend” can benefit you while remaining friends with you”?
And here he sent the “giggle” emoticon, and I sent several of the same back.
He had struck the right chord here.
What he was saying essentially was “My Madam wants something, and I can buy it, so I will buy it for her, regardless of whether or not SHE actually does anything for me in return”.
Actually I already had done something for him in return.
Something which was out there in public for everyone to see, but he was the only that had noticed, and that something, was of course the pictures of my feet that I put on WeChat a while back, and of course our resulting conversations later.
But I hadn’t sent him pictures of my soles yet.
He had asked, but I hadn’t sent any.
And, on an impulse, I took several pictures of my soles right there with my phone, nothing spectacular at all, and sent them over.
When I say nothing spectacular, of course, I meant nothing spectacular to me. Even though I said my feet are beautiful, I don’t really have the same feeling about my soles, even when I think about it.
Even today, though those soles turn him on immensely, I never feel they’re a thing of beauty.
But “nothing spectacular” it was for me.
To him, it might as well been “manna from heaven” the way he responded, and the next ten minutes were spent him complimenting my soles in the most “gracious” and humble manner possible, and I lapped it all up, of course, throwing in the occasional giggle and “boy”.
“I sent you my foot pictures, boy”, I finished. “Now, you can buy my stuff for me!”
And without further preamble I sent him a shopping list, again, nothing too expensive, but more than what it was last time.
Warming him up slowly as it were, although even I did not quite realize it at the time!
“I’m sending you my foot pictures, Michael”, I then said, as if I was sending him a million dollars.
(I might as well have, of course!)
“And so…” and here I paused, waiting for him to respond.
“Of course, it’s an honor to see your soles, Madam Ann!”
“I agree, if I can, I should buy you things!”
And note that a) he didn’t mention what he would buy me and b) I didn’t “have” to send him my foot pictures in return.
Which is what I wanted, of course.
….. ….. and so she DID – – as you’ll see in the BOOK!
Grab it now.
Mike Watson