Spicy and Erotic Fetish REFUND policy
Mike Watson does NOT offer any refunds whatsoever for ANY reason for ANY product offered digitally on the site.
Why, you might ask? Well, because the stuff being offered here in terms of instructional manuals (or self – help; what have you) FLAT OUT WORKS – but ONLY if you LET it work.
If you’re truly into femdom, and you truly DO the thing – then you cannot fail to attract true femdom to you, my friend. It’s just that simple.
But and as Twain once said “Just nodding the head won’t rock the boat”, and so is the case here.
Additionally, our WORLD FAMOUS and highly ACCLAIMED BOOKS, products, courses and REVIEWS speak for themselves . . .
There are no false claims being made here in terms of femdom, my friend.
Everything is straight from the heart, in my own inimitable “reality mixed in with a dash of creative license” style.
Long story short – and I’ll close this out by saying this – there are NO REFUNDS OFFERED whatsoever FOR ANY DIGITAL product offered on this site for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.
Now, before I close this out – PAPERBACKS!
The option to get paperbacks was recently added to the site (based upon popular demand and more than a few SOLID SMACKS from the venerable, worshippable and GODDESS like – or GODDESS! – older lady Pooja Memsahib JI, whose truly my REAL OWNER!).
She knows it too, hehe.
But anyway, Pooja Memsahib decreed one thing, I got two ideas, and the rest is history.
So yes, you CAN order paperbacks off the site. These will be author copies delivered via Amazon (basically you pay here – and amazon delivers – so the chance is rare that you won’t get the product, or that it arrives in bad condition etc).
If any of the two rare instances above occurs, let me know and I’ll have it looked at.
And make sure, please, to include the right address in the order form – Mike Watson isn’t responsible for wrong addresses being entered. 🙂
And Yes, NO refunds offered for paperbacks etc unless you don’t get the product, period. All books shoul dbe withyou at your address within 14 working days of payment, so …
And that that. Paye Lagu, Memsahib … JI! They truly DO deserve it. Hehe.
Yours in femdom (truly forever! ;)),
Mike Watson