Princess Joanie
She truly IS the one …
“Then buy me a dress, boy!”
Dear Reader,
If there ever was a lady that was cut out for femdom and pure female DOMINANCE like you’ve never seen or experienced before it was this lady from Southern China, a lady that HOOKED me from the word go.
If there ever was a woman that combined the DIFFICULT arts of both findom and femdom and blended them in expertly with HEAPING measures of humiliation and cuckolding … and servitude towards her in general (including PUBLIC humiliation), again, it was Joanie … or should I say, the royal Princess Joanie!
If there ever WAS a woman with the most beautiful feet in Southern China, or in Hunan for that matter, it was HER!
If there WAS – or IS a woman that knows how to turn a man to MUSH from the moment he meets her, albeit online, and SEEK out true male submission as accurately as a guided laser seeks out its target, or MORE so … it’s Princess Joanie.
And all of those reasons, and more, are probably are why I’ve dedicated Cuck Central and Humiliation Central to HER, and HER alone …
And as I sit here writing this page, it behooves me to say thank you to HER … and say it ten times, much as I did all those years ago!
Thank you, Princess Joanie.
Thank you, Princess Joanie!
Thank you, Princess Joanie, you’re the best!
Thank you for allowing me to buy your gifts, and rejecting them until you found the one YOU liked most, Madam!
Thank you for publicly humiliating me time and time over .. and as for privately, the less said the better!
And thank you, most of all, for being the BEST wallet raper I’ve ever had … bar NONE! (Madam Pearl came close, but not quite!)
“Then buy me a DRESS, boy!”
Ma’ams iconic, ROYAL feet – that drove me INSANE with lust!
Of course, her EYES and vibe … all of it. What a Queen and Goddess!
World famous lines by now, and a sage reminder of the fact that femdom, at the end of the day is NOT about you – or what you want to buy her.
As I said on my Twitter and Instagram accounts a while ago, its about HER needs – desires – and you fulfilling them at the DROP OF A HAT – per her choice – her specs – and as and when she chooses – not the other way around!
It’s always all about her, boy, and don’t you ever forget that .. and with that in a mind, a sneak preview into the BOOK …
“Madam, I’m so sorry!” I responded, all anger having flown out the window by then. “I should be more patient for you!”
And while she said she was putting on makeup there wasn’t much evidence of that. But, Chinese girls are nothing if not SMART when it comes to men, and the bare minimum was there. In other words, the part that mattered was well done – the lips – the FEET – and of course those lovely hands, I still remember the red nailpolish GLEAMING on them …
As I kept saying sorry over and over again, she looked at me in a satisfied manner, much like a slave owner of yore might have looked at a slave he was lining up for purchase.
“Hmm!” she started to say something, and then the phone rang. Her phone, of course.
I hate phones, and mine is always on silent, hehe.
And she giggled as she answered, and I don’t recall this 100%, but I think the other girl did too. In fact, I heard a guffaw or two as she replied in Mandarin Chinese.
“Tui, Tui!” (yes, yes!)
“It’s him indeed!” she said, giggling away, and looking at me oddly again. “And yes, he’s got the gift!”
And then they showed up a while later.
I greeted them both, and they both giggled at me, and I felt increasingly shy … but yet, still wanted to do what I CAME for, hehe.
Those shoes were foremost in mind, and though Princess Joanie was wearing one of her favored long dresses (a long skirt, actually) .. the other two girls were wearing heels, the toes on their lovely Chinese feet painted red, and this was driving me crazy with lust and submission.
But I need NOT have worried, of course.
They giggled as Madam told them something in Chinese.
“He wanted to really do this!” she finished, and they giggled, all looking at me.
“Do you really want to?” giggled Christina (one of her friends!)
“Yes, Madam, I mean, Christina, I mean, Madam …” I said, flustered at the these three lovely Princesses scoping me out and laughing at me …
“Why no Madam?” interjected “Luo” (this girl didn’t have an English name), giggling even more.
“I mean, Madam I mean, …”
“He means Madam Joanie”, said Joanie… and they all burst out in laughter.
“Well, Michael?” she said, looking pointedly at me.
And the dam burst, my friend. It sure did, and I tore open the package, while asking the three of them to sit on a nearby bench (that’s one thing good about Chinese town squares … there is often some place to sit by the roadside that isn’t on the ground as in days bygone!)
“Madam, may I take off your shoes”, I said, and some onlookers paused to look in a curious manner. One lady even took a photo, giggling before moving on.
But in case you’re wondering why there wasn’t a public spectacle, or a crowd gathering, well, let me back up a bit.
Or then again, let me just tell you what I always have, that femdom is so ingrained in the minds of Chinese women that it’s looked upon as almost normal, albeit with the touch of humiliation they so love, hehe.
There have literally been cases of wives slapping their husbands around in full view at immigration counters, no less, for forgetting some trivial. For boyfriends groveling PUBLICLY in front of their girl friends for something even more trivial, while the new man is in tow, with his arm around the girls waist!
Do a Google search, or read some of my other books, and you’ll see what I mean, but this is commonplace in mainland China.
What DID once create a bit of a stink was a lady in Jiangxi province (I think!) that literally collared and leashed an almost naked slave, and made him crawl to the bus stop in pouring rain in full view of all onlookers … and then made him clean her shoes too!
High heels actually …!
And this is a true and verifiable incident, and therefore, getting back to me kneeling in front of the three women all seated, all looking interestedly at the foreign devil with a bald spot on the very top of his head (one even patted it like she might a dog!) taking off Madam’s shoes … well, it didn’t create near the amount of interest it would have in the U.S. or U.K. for one!
And I wouldn’t be lying to say that I came in my pants right there and then as her feet burst into plain view!
And there’s more, of course. Grab this little gem now – for those on my list, you’ll finally, at long last get to read about how I met this imperious force of nature, and how things ACTUALLY panned out initially before the “good stuff”!
Mike Watson