Krystal – The Teaching Assistant (SEQUEL)

… he was always HERS – and she always KNEW IT!


Well, well, WELL!

I never intended to write a book featuring “Happy Giraffe” school anyway – but that was put to “paid” the moment I saw Krystal, hehe.

Madam Krystal – sorry! I can still feel the whacks she administered to the back of my head. I can still feel my balls literally “freezing” as her lovely and even more dominant colleague applied ICE to them …

And most of all, I remember the humiliation she meted out to me – in public – and if you don’t believe me – try shopping for women’s lingerie with your Mistress – – and then have her announce proudly and with a haughty giggle – that the lingerie is meant for YOU!

Extreme degradation and humiliation fans will love this – as well will lovers of the “Watson” style of writing – straight from the heart – and reality mixed in with just that little dab of creative license!


“There was but ONE conclusion. ‘Twas but inevitable, from the minute I met her”



I keep asking people to do – precious few people do – but that number is increasing ie. LEAVE REVIEWS!

Genuine and honest reviews help everyone, from the buyer who is making a decision whether to buy or not, for those that have already bought (to see what others say) – and they help spread the word in a very positive and helpful fashion – therefore do leave GENUINE reviews!

I do not necessarily want five star reviews – of course, that is what we get most of the time, and I’m deeply appreciative of that – and these reviews are all TRUE – people are saying what they are because it’s TRUE.

And thats what makes it feel the best!

And remember, YOU, the reviewer gets an extra and automatic 10% off your next purchase automatically for reviewing.

With all that in mind, lets look at a superlative, fantastic “rings SO TRUE” review sent in by Paula for “Krystal – the Teaching Assistant – she was anything BUT! – Sequel – Part One” !

(again, another book that I never thought would extend beyond two volumes, ended up with 3 and 2 for the Sequel!)

Here goeth (as I write it, I can hear Pooja Memsahib … JI! yelling! Hehe) (so APT!) –

KRYSTAL REVIEW –The Teaching Assistant (Sequel)

This book talks about teaching in China. The reality that English teachers live in
private schools, with disrespectful students, is exposed, but the interesting thing is
that this is directed by Chinese teachers who hate foreigners, since they are the
result of that pampered education, where they pretend to study, but it’s just a bad

Mike shows us that having pride and not being the laughing stock of a group of
people endowed with economic power, but at least a sense of good doing and being,
is better for the formation of a man as such.

On the other hand, he talks about the mentality of Chinese women, who hate men
since their culture has imposed them on them since they were girls. And the only
thing that interests them is money and little work.

He also exposes the submission as a result of his love for them, since they treat him
this way because they desire him, but they keep their vagina to the highest bidder.

Although the desire is latent between him and them, then they find the only way of
sexual communication with him to be what a mother would do with a son, so that he
does not cause problems with her body.

Without a doubt, Mike, being a highly educated and disciplined man, supports this
treatment, since his relationship with these women allows him to live in love and
excited all the time.

Congratulations Mike Watson! You are a man who while you appear to be weak, you
are totally strong in reality and with that you have them all the time, without them
realizing it.

Dear readers! If you want to be like Mike it is. Do as they say “Follow the leader”,
“Just do it”.

With my most sincere respect.
Paula Banda Rendón

You know, guys – and gals – when I got this review – I just goggled at the screen for a while, though Paula ALWAYS gets it so right in terms of reviews, even the work she’s done and does for me now – this one hit home SO WELL!

And so true!

First my response to her!

Hi Paula

Great to hear back from you – and thank you – first for the great work you’ve done – so much appreciated, and also for the great review – much, much appreciated!

I LOVED the review – again, so true – especially the part about not being a dancing monkey in reality (which so many other expats in China fall prey to “because it’s easy money”) – for me – I’ve done it, yes, but I’ve always TAUGHT i.e. that has been a red line for me, no matter how well they pay me, if they dont let me teach – then I aint going to accept their money, no matter how good.

That sort of thinking has landed me in sticky situations in the past – as you’ll see in the Second Sequel to the Krystal series when you read it, hehe, but like you said – there is nothing that is more important than pride in oneself, and sticking to one’s (right) values. You said it SO WELL with regard to “appearing weak but strong in reality”.

I’ve always been a huge proponent of Deng Xiaoping (responsible for China’s growth into the powerhouse it currently is)’s philosophy in this regard “hide your strength, bide your time” – most people do not have the patience or gumption to do so, both life wise and business wise.

YES, it takes STRENGTH to submit – YES – only a truly STRONG man (mentally, and perhaps physically too! ;)) can feel CONFIDENT enough in letting go, and SERVING without hesitation – this is a key concept I keep emphasizing in one of my books “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland” …. (which is actually geared towards ladies, and life “in general” as well if you get my drift).

Last, but not least, the “just do it” part – and the “leader” part? Believe it or not, “just do it” is the tagline I use for my other business haha. We are truly on the same wavelength, Princess (if I may call you that – I dont know how to say it in Japanese, haha) – thank you once again for the words you’ve written – they ring SO true! Which is the entire point, and the best part! ENjoy your weekend, and we’ll chat again soon.


Mike Watson


What a review that was!

I think I covered most of my thoughts in what I replied to her with – but the rest of it – YES, she is spot on again!

Lets take a look at this one part one more time –

since they treat him
this way because they desire him, but they keep their vagina to the highest bidder.

Although the desire is latent between him and them, then they find the only way of
sexual communication with him to be what a mother would do with a son, so that he
does not cause problems with her body.

Without a doubt, Mike, being a highly educated and disciplined man, supports this
treatment, since his relationship with these women allows him to live in love and
excited all the time.

Congratulations Mike Watson! You are a man who while you appear to be weak, you
are totally strong in reality and with that you have them all the time, without them
realizing it.

Dear readers! If you want to be like Mike it is. Do as they say “Follow the leader”,
“Just do it”.

My other business uses Just do it as a tagline. Hehe.

“because they desire him”.

So true, hehe – it only happens because of vibes, the being truly strong internally – another tip I cover SO OFTEN in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland” – really, a book you should get NOW! … and much more i.e. if you GENUINELY Like something, you’ll attract that something to you without even trying “consciously”.

Life, business, money, whatever it is .. ATTRACTION is key!

And it reminds me of what Madam Angie once told me “but even though you submit, YOU are the real boss”.


So, so true …

Serve her, make her smile, laugh, do what she wants, chances are she’ll do MORE than what YOU want – if you do it right, genuinely, from the heart, with the right vibes and FEELING!


Being key …

So many guys get caught up in looking weak and this other rot – you shouldnt!

then they find the only way of
sexual communication with him to be what a mother would do with a son

Or, “friends” as Chinese women so often put it – I’ve often wondered how they can so casually say “he’s my friend!” – after we slept together and did more than she does with her husband. Hehe.

Then again that allows THEM the freedom to have their cake and eat it too – nothing wrong with friends, especially submissive ones!


Chinese women, and women in general are nothng if not SMART as heck. Hehe.

Mothers, sons … well, I’ve made no secret of the fact my own childhood growing up was MISERABLE – with a truly “Nazi feminist” mother – NOT good for young children at all, that sort of thing should be kept far away from children.

It would have killed most – mentally.

The few that survive are the REAL LEADERS AMONGST THE PACK!

Yours truly developed an unique way early on in his childhood not just to survive that – but THRIVE.

And it shows – plainly – NOW!

In any case, I’ve never been huge on “vaginal penetration” as being the be all and end all of everything – as so many people are – much like I’ve never been huge at all on “labels” (ie gay, straight, or what not).

The FEELING is what counts, the “what you do” with her is secondary … and that HAPPENS if the feeling is there!

Anyway, thats enough from me.

Paula, you said it better than I ever could – thank you, Princess!

(and she’s so spot on about the disciplined part, I cannot stand indiscipline or stupidity of any form, or nature – I see it SO OFTEN around me though … )

(disciplined lifestyle, disciplined body, it all helps more than you think).

And … she’s saying it because it’s true, which is what the BEST PART about all this is!

Anyway – to end –

Like Paula says –


For those of you that are still “on the fence”, quit being a fence sitter and BUY now – and start to change your life for the BETTER – today!


Mike Watson


And get these books NOW. 


The ride continues, as Mike Watson loses his job at “Happy Giraffe”, which was of course in part (or for the most part!) engineered by the lovely Madam Krystal and her equally devious (and lovely) Madam Sugar. And of course, that marks the start of close to “24/7” femdom for the “hero” (sic) as Madam Krystal takes full advantage of a short vacation she took (see Volume #3) to test out new,and way more humiliating, emasculating and devious techniques to quite literally all but strip ole Watson of his manhood … for good, hehe.


Sequel #2 takes off where the first Sequel left off. More degradation and “novel” techniques of humiliation in store for the reader – and I must admit a lot of it is somewhat over the top in terms of the mental aspect – but in an odd sort of way it does the actual situation upon which this whole story is based justice.

Poetic justice perhaps? I don’t know … I’ll let the reader decide! Public humiliation is what is new here, along with the rest of the other stuff …