25 real world, RESULTS oriented and workable tips on femdom that will turn you into the perfect “tool” for her pleasure!
Spark up your D/s relationship like NEVER before …
Dear Reader,
While folks enjoy my stories – – as well as the play scenes in there, stories at the end of the day are just that – stories.
True, they’ve got experiences within them – – experiences a lot of subs would LOVE to have – – but first, one has to get to the point of having them experiences, and having them regularly (and with minimal effort invested in “trying” to find the right partners to do it with!).
I’ve often mentioned how effortless it is – and has been, ever since I can recall for me to “draw” femdom in all it’s wily shapes, guises and forms to me – – and vice versa, for ME to drawn to dominant ladies without EVER consciously TRYING!
Why is a moth attracted to a flame?
Why is a honeybee attracted to pollen?
Why are men that respect women at a deeper level than just fetish/sex the ones that “get laid” all the time without even thinking about it or – get this – even “desiring” it?
Why do we always “succeed” at things we rarely think about on a conscious level?
There’s a scientific and rational explanation for all this, of course, especially the last one which is key.
But the key thing my friends, is FEELING – and vibration. And THIS vibration, these VIBES, my friends, are what CONTROL ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE BAR NONE.
Anyway, that is a tip right there for you – – but moving ahead, lots of folks have asked me just how and why it’s so easy and seemingly effortless for me to have the experiences I do.
And while I’ve already mentioned it – – and will mention it numerous times throughout the tips mentioned beneath, there are those that still wont “find the secret”.
To those people, read this manual – re-read it, and then re-read it AGAIN until it literally becomes a part of you, and therein you have part of the secret.
I wish I could tell you what the secret is in plain English, but I can’t.
First, it’s not that easy to define (well, it is, but it isn’t a one size fits all classification) – – but more importantly and second, me telling you what it is would deprive you of the wondrous benefits YOU will receive once you do some deep, deep soul searching and make the “discovery” your own way!
Third, lots of folks need to know “how” in addition to the “secret” … more how to’s than I cover in my books etc.
Useful, practical workable tips that WILL (much like in my pathbreaking “A complete guide to understanding dominant Chinese women from the mainland) get you further along the path to finding the perfect match in terms of a dominant lady for you … and QUICKLY at that!
So here goes. Dive in, enjoy – and be sure to let me know your feedback!
This book is for YOU if …
This book is for YOU if you’re a male submissive, and …
- Looking for tips on how to take your submission to the next level.
- Looking for the perfect ways to not only FIND – – but attract, and keep the dominant lady of your dreams in regal style as she so deserves!
- Someone that is looking to learn the mental tips and tricks of domination, and how to attract domination/submission without even seemingly “trying”.
This book is ALSO FOR YOU if you’re a dominant lady, and …
- You are interested in the MENTAL side of BDSM, and using the MIND to enhance play more than actual “physical actions” ever could.
- Someone who is interested in learning more tips and tricks to further humiliate, debase, degrade and emasculate your “man” – – as he (she?) deserves to be!
- Learning how to enjoy living life as a true Queen (as you DESERVE to be!) – -and how to get there!
- Going way, way into a man’s subconscious – – and literally “dinning” home his servitude to her until it becomes as natural as breathing!
And last, but not least, remember one thing – this book works equally well for M/M D/S scenes (or F/F for that matter).
Sure, I’ve written it with a F/m twist, but take that away, and use your creativity – – and you can just as easily apply it to other (aforementioned) categories of “play” as well.
So there is something for everyone here!
Enjoy – and as always, keep it safe, sane and consensual!
Benefits you can EXPECT to receive once you start implementing even a FEW of these tips
If you’re a dominant Lady …
- 25 REAL world, practical workable tips on how to further debase and emasculate an already servile male – – or get him to the level of degradation and servility you so desire!
- You’ll learn the value of making him do simple yet humiliating tasks – daily – day in, and day out!
- You’ll learn that it’s all about the mind, and once you control him “deep down inside” and either change/enhance who he truly IS at his very CORE – – then there truly is no turning back – either for him, or you!
- You’ll learn about the power of DREAMS, and how to program your mind to dream precisely about the type of scenes you’d “like to” – – along with examples from yours truly!
- You’ll learn about the power of THOUGHT – – and while you’ve always known first impressions count, you’ll learn that when it comes to a man … it’s his first THOUGHTS that really count, as opposed to simply the first impression he makes upon you.
- The value of vibes – – something you already likely know as a dominant lady, but you’ll learn more on the sheer power of, and how to harness said vibes as well.
- How to get him to orally please you like you’ve always dreamed of, but never really been “bold” enough to get him to DO! (Hint – this includes ALL the body parts you’ve dreamed of as a dominant Lady – parts that most men wouldn’t come close to, but parts that he will learn to and enjoy worshipping galore “by and by”!)
- How to get him to acknowledge that it’s always well and truly about YOU – – and you alone!
- How he should properly address you – – and what he should be doing during that time (hint – you’ve likely NOT thought of this one before!).
- How to have him at your feet, at your mercy … perennially!
And far more …
If you’re a man …
- How to take your submissiveness to new “heights” – or lows – with these practical workable tips that I lay out for you, in easy to read “digest” format.
- You’ll learn about how to truly accomplish something that most femdom/”play” enthusiasts don’t over an entire lifetime – – that being to TRULY enhance, sear and IMPRINT submissiveness to females into your very core, so that it becomes as much a part of you as breathing is!
- You’ll learn about plenty of ways that you can “silently” and “unobtrusively” serve her … ways that will eventually become natural to both you and her, and ways that will enhance her dominance over you every time you perform the tasks!
- You’ll learn (and very quickly, if you follow my lead!) that male orgasms are meant to be controlled … and rarely, if ever allowed – – and WHY.
- You’ll learn that the only male orgasms that DO matter are when she’s being served by another man, and HIS orgasm … not yours!
- You’ll also learn (again, if you follow my lead!) first hand the benefits of male chastity, and once you go chaste, and learn to appreciate the benefits, believe me, you’ll never, ever, ever want to go back!
- You’ll learn about the body parts she MOST wants and prefers worshipped on a regular basis as a dominant Lady.
- You’ll learn about the art of washing her feet, and why it’s so vitally important to do this at least once daily.
- You’ll learn about the repeated power of affirmations, and how you can use these to literally change your life around in terms of the VIBES you’re putting out right now (femdom related vibes). This ALONE is worth the “price of admission”, my friend.
And way, way more…
Grab it now – and watch the spark (or perhaps, lack thereof) in your current D/s relationship turn into a veritable raging BONFIRE – all for her – never to be put OUT!
Mike Watson