Variety … the spice of LIFE – and truly, sexual relations as well!

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OUR BESTSELLING, AWARD WINNING FETISH "how to" MANUALS. Take your fetish life to the next level altogether with these!


. . . and how LEARNING from these experiences can benefit YOU the prospective femdom enthusiast (male or female!)

Sissy Workouts!

Sissy WORKOUTS! PRE-ORDER (Special PRICE for the pre-order – get this now – price goes up SOON!) Get yourself -or your SISSY – in the best shape of her life to do what SHE does BEST – be a SISSY! Hehe.  25 Sissy workouts (and isometric holds) that will build the SISSY body of your …

16 INCREIBLEMENTE PODEROSAS AFIRMACIONES para atraer FEMDOM a ti – como la polilla a la luz – en PILOTO AUTOMATICO

Atraer el verdadero fendom a usted – NATURALMENTE- sin esfuerzo consciente! Atrae a la mujer dominante de tus sueños – o al HOMBRE VERDADERAMENTE SUMISIVO que siempre has DESEADO – ¡SIN NINGÚN esfuerzo consciente! Atrae a la VERDADERA femdom hacia TI – NATURALMENTE- SIN esfuerzo consciente – ¡¡¡EN PILOTO AUTOMÁTICO!!! Querido Lector, Estaba hablando con …

Cuckold “M on M” Compilations

Cuckold compilatons by Mike Watson

Humiliation CENTRAL

25 Ways to TRULY humiliate him and have him GROVELING for more … What you’ll learn from this manual   If you’re a dominant Lady …   How to completely humiliate him … like you never have before, and ENJOY it immensely. How to unleash your inner POWER as a true GODDESS – as you were meant to be – …

Cuck Central

Why am I qualified to write this? I’ve had plenty of homosexual fantasies – – and encounters along those lines as well which initially left me feeling “powerless” and “used” – – but upon probing these feelings, I realized that it was actually a part of me I was trying to repress all along for …

Immerse yourself in our “reality mixed in with a dab of creative license – not, and NEVER the other way around” fetish novels!

A full list of our novels can be found HERE … 

And much, much more.


"Truly a life changing book!" 

Truly a life changing book. I was an out of work and out of shape middle manager with not much to provide to my family or society. After reading this book I changed my life dramatically from a middle manager that could barely speak up to my supervisors to an actual STUD! I don’t take crap from anyone. Thanks to the lessons I received in this book. But fitness was only the tip of the iceberg for me. After contacting the author he turned me onto an entire new way of life with his other books on erotica. I never knew what a femdom could be or how I could truly unleash my powers not only in the physical arena but in the sexual one as well.  Mile Watson truly turned me into the man or woman I was meant to be. You have to read his “Cock worship for sissies and fagg**s if you wanna really change your fitness and your life! Thanks mike! 
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