Book Name |
My “thoughts” |
Owned by Madam AA Ling
Ah yes, the lovely “Aa Ling” … or should I say “Aa Chie”, hehe, as that was the name she gave me. Reality mixed in with creative license as it were, and a lot of what I’ve depicted here DID happen – and though this is one of my older works, I still get a touch of nostalgia every time I think about her. I have not spoken to her in years – – but, I wish her the very best wherever she is!
An I.T. professional is struck by “lean times” and moves to Southern China where he meets the gorgeous, and oh-so-dominant from the word GO “Aa Ling” at a local “bordello” (brothel). He quickly learns that HIS desires don’t count – and he quickly also learns the meaning of what I keep saying so often about true femdom NOT being about looks – or “body type” – or any external “nuances”. A lady of the night can dominate you – – and keep you in hand – – as she DESERVES – – just as any other lady can – – and this book is living “proof” of that fact!
Madam Carrie – Volume #1
The lovely Carrie (oops, Madam Carrie as it were …), her of the “Holle” (her version of “Hello” apparently). Mike Watson mentions that he first met this lady when hunting for an apartment in China – and that part is 100% true, my friend. Oh yes, it’s true … and funnily enough or not I ended up in the exact same apartment for the exact same reasons mentioned in the book – and Madam knows it as well.
The subtitle talks about a thin line between fantasy and reality, and it’s as true as it “rings”, hehe.
Madam Carrie – Volume #2
Volume #2 of Madam Carrie – and Mike Watson’s submission towards the lovely (albeit somewhat “bodacious”) lady from Sichuan province continues unabated. A young woman who migrated from the rural areas in search of a better life – and (unwittingly or not) the right “male” to have in her life – and NOT as her “boyfriend”, quite obviously!
You’ll also be introduced to several other characters in this Volume; the imperious Madam Susan being one that stands out in my mind – and of course, the lovely Miss V, who has and deserves an entire book to herself!
25 Million Dollars
Ah, 25 million dollars – another one of those forgotten “oldies but goodies” as it were, along with “Owned by Madam Aa Ling”. This is probably one of the ONLY ones where the male “lead” (not) hehe isn’t trapped in circumstances closely mirroring what happened “in real life”, but it makes for a great read anyway – especially if you’re into “forced bi” and other such fetishes.
On that note – is it ever “really” forced? Ponder that one as you read .. 😉
Mai; my lovely Indian maid
This one was quite literally “written in the flow” if I might say so, and as the book says! While it’s not quite as “fast paced” as the “in the flow” part makes it sound, it’s probably the first time I hammered out a book in a day alone – and the ONLY reason I could do that is because of the sheer “buzz” I was getting from writing it! Starts off with a few true conversations IIRC, and believe me, she meant every word! 😉
Princess Joanie
The story of the ravishing oh so dominant Princess Joanie, and a book written ALMOST ENTIRELY in the flow … well completely, I should say, after I wrote the blog post on “beach femdom”. The only lady bar NONE that had me hooked even before the minute I spoke to her online … and thats saying a lot.
Ah, those eyes, those round, lovely luminous EYES … those expressive eyes, that look in the eyes, that SMIRK on the face and most of all femdom and FINDOM … and that knowing, dominant female VIBE!
Need I say more??
The Double Agent
One of my earlier works, and while not quite written in the flow, this one is a prime example of how “seeds of creativity” spring up when we least expect it – and certainly NOT during a Skype conversation with the indomitable “Miyako” – whose sheer confidence was apparent from the word “go” (or the initial conversation). This one might be an interesting read for those versed in how things work in mainland China …
Miss V Beauty Salon
The sub-title says its all; “my next door neighbor”. I’ve replaced a letter in the main title to protect the “innocent”, hehe (not really;)) –but the rest of what is mentioned in the story is TRUE – especially the SHOE RACK – I’ll see if I can find a picture of that to put on here!
The imperious and dominant Madam Carrie has loaned out her “chattel” to her next door neighbor – this one takes off right where “Madam Carrie – Volume 2” left off in terms of the “three on one” humiliation, and takes it a step further!
Serving Ann
Serving Ann is one of those works that I never quite got around to completing in it’s entirety – as opposed to “Sophia Bai” and a few others, THIS one was supposed to be more than a few Volumes, but as of now, I’ve got only ONE written.
While femdom is no doubt the central theme as with the other books, a point oft-made is that “true” femdom is often not so much about external looks and appearance as it is the mindset, which usually manifests itself via “that look in the eye” (as I seem never to tire of mentioning in the books, hehe). This story is a perfect example of just that …
Sophia Bai
Oh my gosh, as she would say … and as I think back on THIS ONE, this was another one of those books written purely in the flow. In fact a lot of my later writing was done this way – not quite at “Mai My Indian maid” levels, but pretty close nonetheless.
And yes – while the protagonist might have the “privilege” of “pressing her feet” and being her “servant” – he’s certainly NOT her boyfriend, or even lover, and Madam Sophia makes NO bones about that whatsoever!
Madam Carrie – Volume #3
More on the lovely Madam Carrie, and the deviousness and humiliation goes to a whole new level after the lovely lady returns from her trip to the U.K. which was apparently an awakening for her in terms of femdom. Not that it wasn’t already there in her, of course – but the “devil” can certainly BE in the details when it comes to application, and you’ll find out what I mean in this Volume!
And last, but not least, there’s a “blast into the future” for the beleaguered Watson … 😉
Meeting Ms. Chen
Mike Watson’s life seems to change forever once he meets the dominant, aggressive and older “Ms. Chen” in the park – and fruits are NOT the only thing he’ll be buying her from now on in, hehe. In fact his deepest and innermost secrets are an open book to this all knowing lady – and once Ms. Chen and her friend are DONE with him – guess who shows up – his Indian wife!!!
Madam Carrie- Volume #4
Volume 4 of a book which was originally intended to last no more than TWO Volumes, but ended up going on to 4. Such is life “in the flow” (and Volume #5 is half penned at the time of writing this) – anyway, this Volume starts off with a brief bit about a week long sojourn at the demanding, lovely and imperious Madam Susan’s!
Each of these ladies certainly has her own way of doing things – – and we then get to the part about explaining how the trip to the U.K. completely changed Madam’s mentality on femdom!
Krystal – The Teaching Assistant (Volume #1)
Ah, the lovely, gorgeous Krystal who sat quietly in her role as “teaching assistant” at the back of the class at “Happy Giraffe School” and casually observe everything going on in the class – and do nary a thing to actually help with discipline issues etc.
Not to mention show up for class at all sometimes, but hey – that’s a Goddess’s prerogative, right?
And while I rarely need “assistants”, the look in the eye from day one made it very clear who the REAL assistant was! 😉
The first Volume deals with background (as might be expected) and gently eases the reader in …
Sophia Bai – The Sequel
When I first wrote the original “Sophia Bai”, I had no idea it would extend to a Sequel – but extend it did, my friend. Extend it did … and not just to ONE, but two sequels at that.
Are her feet really “ugly”? Well, I’ll let the reader be the judge there 😉 …
Cuckolding (a light version, at any rate) and female dominance are the themes here – enjoy!
Krystal – The Teaching Assistant Volume #2
Madam Krystal returns with full force wearing that lovely white frock of hers – but she’s NOT alone, my friend. Oh no, she’s not – she’s got an older colleague she’s bringing along for the ride, and believe me now and trust me later – ole Watson is in for the RIDE of his life – not to mention “shock” of his life as he’s exposed to a level of female dominance he never once even imagined possible.
Physical punishment, humiliation, sexual servitude and more!
Sophia Bai – the Second Sequel
Oh my gosh! What’s a lady to do when she “can’t find the good man online”?
Well, her answer to that one would be simple, hehe. Find a good servant online! And so she did, and as the second sequel was being penned, I almost ended up traveling to her hometown to meet her family, albeit not quite for the same reasons as mentioned therein.
Lots and lots of fun had writing THIS one (and I’m pretty sure the reader will pick up on this)- not the least of which is introducing an older sister “Ivy” into the mix …
Krystal – The Teaching Assistant Volume #3
The tale continues as the beleaguered “hero” (NOT!) is loaned out to yet another young, and equally dominant (and sadistic) teaching assistant “Madam Sugar”. And she is NOT about to let up on the domination one bit!
Implicit racial humiliation along with all the rest of the normal degradation included in this one – and Madam Sugar certainly “goes that extra mile” to prove that while a dominant lady is a dominant lady is a dominant lady, EACH lady has HER own unique “quirks” that absolutely MUST be catered to – – or else!
Ah, Cody. Empress Cody as you so adroitly told me that Tuesday night (I believe it was Tuesday, at any rate) – and THIS book is yet another example of the oft-blurred lines between reality and fantasy – especially when writing fiction, hehe. While Madam (uh, Empress) Cody is probably NOT aware of the “maelstorm” her conversations (and subsequent occurences, of course) started – it behooves me to give credit where credit is due in terms of the inspiration – and that came from the lovely Cody herself!
The ride continues, as Mike Watson loses his job at “Happy Giraffe”, which was of course in part (or for the most part!) engineered by the lovely Madam Krystal and her equally devious (and lovely) Madam Sugar. And of course, that marks the start of close to “24/7” femdom for the “hero” (sic) as Madam Krystal takes full advantage of a short vacation she took (see Volume #3) to test out new,and way more humiliating, emasculating and devious techniques to quite literally all but strip ole Watson of his manhood … for good, hehe.
Sequel #2 takes off where the first Sequel left off. More degradation and “novel” techniques of humiliation in store for the reader – and I must admit a lot of it is somewhat over the top in terms of the mental aspect – but in an odd sort of way it does the actual situation upon which this whole story is based justice.
Poetic justice perhaps? I don’t know … I’ll let the reader decide! Public humiliation is what is new here, along with the rest of the other stuff …
Yours truly is sucked (sic) further and further into the Empress’s vortex – but he is by far NOT the only one. Along with him is a “long suffering” (hehe) husband who has long since given up any idea of resistance, and the path of least resistance is indeed the least painful (figuratively speaking) as you’ll come to know when it comes to the regal Empress.
We’re also introduced to a certain “Blowjob Betty” in this Volume. Hmmm … I wonder WHO that might be? 😉
The fun just continues as Empress Cody takes delight in “owning” every minute of her two servant’s life – and not just at home either! Public humiliation – and that too in front of “strangers” is one interesting aspect of this book, but certainly NOT the only one.
The burning question is – is TWO enough??
Evidently not, as ole Watson is tasked with finding “perfect” servant #3 – and he better well be perfect or else!
Empress Cody – Volume #4
Humpie, boy, humpie!
Those words still ring out in the “recesses of my mind” as the final installment in the Empress Cody series roars to a halt – until the Sequel shows up, that is, and rest assured – it WILL show up at some point in time. For now though, (male) humiliation, utter degradation and debasement is the theme here – enjoy!