Message to you serial refunders

This one is a short one, and isn’t intended for real customers. It’s intended for those that a) sign up for the list with NO Intention of ever buyin a product. And b) you serial refunders that buy the products, wank off to it – and then return it on Amazon, thus gaming their “refund” …

Why nailpolish, even if shoddily done, is enough to arouse the BEAST – a cuckold version, of course. HEhe.

Because it is! I dont know what it is with nailpolish, friend. You have perfectly manicured hands, and feet (pedicured). You’ve got nails that look like an expert worked on them daily (like Garima Madam) – or fingernails that look like they do nothing but get manicured all day. But to me, and I just …

The perfect antidote to an argument (and hey, it happens) – with Goddesses running Queendoms – and why it happens!

Why does it happen? Well many reasons, but as Madam Luna, a lovely older lady throws a fit and deletes yours truly – well, I gotta say it. Sometimes, women are FRUSTRATED. The natural reaction any “real” or otherwise man would have is to fight it, but I don’t HAha. I made my point. (which …

From Stud –> SISSY!

I should say, THAT moment when you know (when what you already know) hits home. That being, the external you is not the REAL YOU. And lots of “so called real men” being worshipped as such in the real world KNOW THIS! Let’s see, faggot. You run a company in real life, you’re a champ …

Born to suck, sissy, and why you should leave kiss marks ALL over his body, not just …

Ma’am, his chest is so manly, his nipples so NICE, such a hairy chest, Ma’am, the pubes are so manly too! Ma’am, the long dong , Ma’am, and his slim waist. So want to kiss his whole BODY, Ma’am! And press his feet as he relaxes comfortably after sex, just like I’ve depicted in Garima …