I’ve lost track of which part of the Moo! Series this is. I.e. part 18? 19? If any of you moo maniacs and lovely sissies remember from past emails please email back and tell me. Kisses!
It’s a skill unto itself is mooing as sissies know. Especially those with naturally deep voices. Hilarious!
I prefer LONG moos. A moo should ideally last at least 7 seconds – with rich baritones throughout.
But there’s different types of moos.
When you agree with perfect Master Sir, a quick and brisk Moo! does the trick.
When thinking of something?
Moo long and hard, preferably 10 seconds per moo as you THINK.
When looking at dick in your coworkers pants and trying not to show it (believe me they FEEL it idiot. They’re just not telling you hehe) ?
Moo on all fours, imagining that dick inside you. Moo lustily and LOUDLY like a bitch in heat. My!! Hot!
When reading sissy books and learning, even these emails?
Moo contendedly like a baby calf being petted on the head by Mama. So cute, that moo, Polly does it all the time!
Some of you prefer being a sheep led by the wolf ie me.
Or a doggie.
Replace moo with baaas, woofs above – and you get the drift. Or even oinks!
God I’m laughing so LOUDLY writing this I can’t even type right. Hehe.
Last, but not least, remember mooing is a badge of honor for all sissies. Varying your moos, constantly improving your mooing skills, doing it on auto pilot as many of you do – you should be proud of yourself for being the ideal cow – but importantly and like I keep talking about, NEVER resting on your laurels and continuously doing what you can to IMPROVE DAILY.
First thing on your mind after the morning moo, and morning moo-fee should be “how should I be a better cow today and please Master Sir, make Him laugh, happy, those gorgeous feet of his saying it all, those SOLES, that mighty DONG of his!”
So, to end – always remember to vary your moos.
Variety is the spice of life. Sexual relations and COW dom as well!
Get to it cow.
Mike Watson
PS – Until the Moo manual is out, here’s another great course to satisfy your appetite for long PENIS. So sexy how some say “pen” is instead of “pee” nis…hehe.
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