In Sin City Diaries ,my friend, I’ve written galore about ladies that did ALL they could to humiliate me – despite me being the one paying for their services in a decidely NON humilating manner!
Could be the massage lady who called me gay!
Or, perfect Madam Bao Bao who plonked her feet up (I still remember the tired and dirty cracked soles) on my chest as she was massaging me – after showing up late- and before leaving EARLY – I still paid her time! – and just giving me the sorriest excuse of an erotic handjob which basically meant she just did the laziest job she could in the most non caring manner “see if I give a fig” expression – and yet – she knew she had the cuck where she wanted him!
Or, any of the other ladies that were rude to me, looked at me in a bored, condescending manner as if to say … “we can get away with it with this idiot!”
As Princess Sophia often told me.
“You let me walk all over you, so I do it, boy! I’d never do it to any other man!”
It was so humiliating, but she did it!
And she was right.
She SHOULD get paid – for the least amount of effort – especially if she’s a downtrodden sex worker!
Anyway, but ball busting ?
It’s impossible for her to do the casual “bored” look as it is with nipples, for instance.
With nipples, she can sigh and say “loser” while sitting down and thinking of her phone and thinking of texting real men and thinking of how nice it would be to massage a real man instead of a cuck like YOU … and she can expertly flick ’em – you’ll cum buckets anyway, cuck.
Remember that tale in Sin City?
All over her lovely fair pristine palms!
But with ball busting, even if it’s the “doorbell” technique I mention in BallBusting 101, the premier and one and only course of it’s kind out there on busting BALLS (there’s nothing like this out there, trust me!) – a technique that allows the girl – or lady – to do NOTHING except flick her wrists and be lazy – and is yet intensely painful and even more humiliating?
Even with a technique like that, impossible for her to remain non passionate, because she’s hurting the cuck, boy!
And she’s doing it in a way most men wouldn’t want it or dream of!
Certainly pain, and if she wants something to take her frustration out on?
Oh boy! She’s got it!
Most dominant ladies – truly dominant ones – take to ballbusting like a FISH to water, my friend.
The key of course, is to tread carefully – literally – and metamorphically – for obvious reasons.
Anyway, my courses on nipplegasms and ballbusting ON THEIR LONESOME can take you to erotic places you’ve never been , my frend – if you IMPLEMENT the path breaking info in them.
Combine the info in them TOGETHER – and you truly have erotic NIRVANA waiting for you, my friend.
Jump on theseNOW.
Mike Watson
PS – Remember the 20% discount we have going on will NOT last forever. It’s been getting great response, and I’m going to pull it very soon – so strike while the iron is HOT. Jump on this NOW, my friend.
PS #2 – And since the list is getting unwiedly again, prune time. If you’re a wacko that’s signed up “just for freebies” and who has never has any intention of getting anything, chances are you’ll be removed. Consider yourself WARNED! Hehe.
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