Well, my friend, it truly is that!
And as I get done putting out my latest courses, two ladies come to mind .
One being Madam Krystal, sheer perfection from the minute i met her – those LEGS, in that lovely white skirt, which NEVER went above the knee!
And more than her though, more than the teaching assistant that never was?
Her “cohort in arms”, and the infinitely more dominant Miss Li, if I remember the name right.
And SHE – from the minute go – weaved another spell over me.
I still remember it, sitting there at the back of the class, those ASIAN SLANTED eyes observing my every move, utter and sheer MALICE AND CRUELTY dripping from them!
She reminded me of a HAWK waiting to swoop down on her prey.
And once Madam Krystal took me in hand, it was all lights green and go in that regard.
One of the things this lovely imperious lady made me do was sit Asian squat way to “open everything up”.
That is a technique mentioned in a fitness book I’ve written before, so if you’re interested, let me know (super fitness technique, and one most people CANNOT even begin to do, let alone hold).
One that servants in the subcontinent and China (of yore) are well used to, one Ms Priyanka originally taught me, one of the most humiliating and exposed positions ever … with bollocks hanging, ass and balls ready to be kicked, whacked, and …
… often as the lady relaxed, legs dangling, kicking away casually.
Oh my!
Or, even better …
.. with the bollocks dangling in …
Believe me, the numbness and the pain leading up to it was one thing.
What Miss Li did later, the SECRET SHAMINIAC Asian techniques she used to torture my BOLLOCKS later???
THAT pain was something else, my friend.
Now, you might think ice is nothing special?
Maybe it isn’t (though it’s more than what most men and you probably can take, boy).
But what she DID later – was the key – and perhaps this is why SHE took my ass licking to new levels entirely, to be surpassed only by Pooja Memsahib, and even Pooja didnt mash my bollocks like Miss Li did!
Truly secret techniques that YOU don’t know about.
Secrets that will take HER dominance to new levels, and enhance, SEAR your submissive side in like never before.
Secrets you MUST learn now if you’re in ANY way shape or form serious about femdom.
And on that note, here’s my latest course – on ballbusting, no less.
25 ancient, SCINTILLATING, FORGOTTEN AND RED HOT “secret shamianic” ways to BUST HIS BALLS until he begs for mercy and NEVER asks for sexual favors again!
And last, but not least, this course isn’t for wusses and pansies that can’t stand pain.
It’s not for those working up to femdom, and not for those starting out, and not for those wanting to try it … and, in short, its for ADVANCED folks.
And it’s certainly not for folks that want to sit at home jacking off to it either. If thats you, look elsewhere. Or jack off to my BOOKS.
For this course, I truly only want the best of the best, the DOERS.
And if thats you, check out the course HERE.
Mike Watson
PS – Write back and let me know about your adventures, I’ll share ’em with the WORLD!
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