It is truly by SERVING – with an open HEART – that we get!

All my life, I’ve been called various names. From a Chameleon to Spanish to “Habib” (don’t ask hehe) to my ex (one of them) calling me “that dark skinned hunk riding away on the horse” and so forth…

… One that hit me this morning as I was thinking why should God be a “he” (and then I realised it isn’t necessarily that God is a he – Mother Mary, Durga, there’s tons of female Goddesses too! Hehe) … Memories flooded back.

Of me standing outside my dorm room at 19 – and folks calling me – or one guy specifically – “Jesus”.

My long hair, olive skin no doubt contributed to this. Hehe. Not intentional, and no, Mike Watson doesn’t believe in any man made religions per se.

All opium for the masses – nah I ain’t even going communist on you. It’s true if you think about it, wars, ongoing violence, mobs etc – all can be traced back to religion.

I believe in a higher power. Him, her, whatever you call “it”.

“Many of your messages contain a deep spiritual content” said a customer on the Miss V owned business – while inquiring about my religious beliefs, if I beliebed in religion and such. Another kept asking me to watch “El Cid” based upon the true story of a visionary back in the day that did all he could to make sure religion brings TOGETHER and not divide …

People have even called me a “modern day Gandhi” on the other business.

Ain’t no such thing as coincidence.

The Universe.

Our purpose. We all have one. Precious few realise it…

And then a thought of Jesus washing his disciples feet struck me. Doing it happily.

Jesus serving the poor, the downtrodden

Moving around from country to country, or whatever passed for “country back then”…

And doing all of it happily, with an open heart – because he wanted to.

I’m not a huge fan of Gandhi due to various reasons. But, the way in which I was compared to him – the other guy comparing me to him was comparing me in terms of how he (albeit supposedly) brought an entire oppressed country together, liberated it or was (again supposedly) instrumental in liberating it from the yoke of the colonial Brits. . . It was about service.

In Gandhi’s case, perceived service – I truly believe and KNOW for a FACT he continued more to the fracture of India than folks would like to believe. It’s the other guys not talked about that much that took ACTION that really got things done … Gandhi, merely a figurehead for the Brits – not to mention the nasty habit he had of sleeping with underage women and such. SSC as always for me. And always, adults – I realise there are some that question the concept of adulthood, at what age does she (or he) become an adult, why not earlier, but let’s be realistic here folks. Mentally, physically, there is a reason the age 18 is universally viewed as the age you’re officially an adult – and in America of course you – we – can’t buy a drink as an adult legally .. heheheh – though I did plenty with my long hair, beard, noone ever questioned Jesus – except when he shaved. Hehe.

Serving in the most obesquious manners as I write about and is true does NOT mean you’re a pushover or doormat if done right. And God(dess) knows I wanted to do it, do more, literally wanting – this is very important – to ge NOTHING in return. The SERVITUDE is my reward, so it should be!

So it was for Jesus, except in a different sense …

It is by serving first – by giving FIRST and doing so with no ulterior motive, doing so with true servitude – which one truly enjoys – in mind – that one GETS.

More and more, way more than one even imagined.

It all starts with genuine service and I can truly say I’ve enjoyed providing all the services I write about, teach you, have experienced – and continue to.

Its part of me.

It’s part of YOU.

Accept you.

Be open about it.

And thats going to be the motif for the upcoming Spicy and Erotic T shirts…with the lovely Mike at the forefront, of course. Hehe.

So, Jesus?


Nah, I’m not going Donald Trump on ya. Hee.

But rebirth – reincarnation – I very much believe in all that. With all my dreams, my deceased grandmother (not the maternal one) – showing up so regularly along with my maternal uncle to guide me – the genders are so prosaic, so apt! …well, let me just say “divine timing”.

It all happens for a reason as I’ve always said, a very good reason.

Serve with an open heart, my friend.

And I’ll end this one here!


Mike Watson

PS – Last night I recieved a proposal to translate the great book Penis Central into Polish which was interesting! We haven’t currently translated any of our books into that language – currently it’s French (no pun lol), Spanish, Italian and German we are going “hard on” – again – NO pun intended! Or maybe it is. 😉 I’m truly the Mistress and Master of double entrdre eh. 😉

With all the synchronicities going on, on a whim, I had to check the connection between Jesus Christ and Poland.

Fancy me, and it ain’t fake news either – he’s actually been crowned “King of Poland” for whatever thats worth!

Pole – and … Balls?

Hehe …

Truly, worship is what it’s all about!

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