Oh . . . BOY!
I know I start many of my comms out that way. But as I write about lovely worshippable shoulders and login to my WeChat account, I see “likes” on my posts from a certain lady, “Monica Spa”.
In Shanghai, no less! ?
I’ve written before of course about how if China is the Mecca and Medina of true femdom lovers, then Shanghai is the icing on the cake. And it’s true. These girls in Shanghai take dominance to another level altogether!!
Maybe it’s the culture. Maybe something in the air. But from Princess Sherry (no, she still didn’t return my cash! ?) to Madam Pearl to countless others and most recently Perfect Madam Susan (NOT that Susan – – the Susan who is a massage worker, but she’d probably make me worship her too!) they’re all from Shanghai!
And very open about their female dominance, hehe.
And they should be!
And anyway, this brings me to the point of my post.
Many years ago (and I believe I wrote about this in Sin City Diaries in great detail), I was visiting a “lady of the night”.
Who blew me. Rimmed me. Did just about everything I wanted, but didn’t quite enjoy it (unlike a certain Aa Ling, who DID, and took me in hand, and her REAL name was “Aa Chie”, hehe. ?).
And when it came time for the “climax” i.e. sex?
With a bored, irritated, half “I don’t want to do it expression on her face”, she took my penis (I Was flat on my back) and prepared to slide a condom on to ride me doggy style.
And though she wasn’t that surprised when I declined, gently taking her lovely soles and putting them on my face as she relaxed, jerking me off with just one hand (?), she Was – a little.
It’s different, was the vibe.
No client has ever done this before!
And the hint of a smile appeared, and the eyes softened, and even though I Was paying her, to me that is what mattered!
The same thing applies for the girl who once laughingly asked if I was gay (she sure didn’t know how erotic it was), or the massage worker who did a shitty job, and took my money, and left ahead of time, or the lady that looked at my load in UTTER, SHEER DIGUST!
These lovely ladies were all ladies of the night in one way or the other.
/and though they’re amongst the most downtrodden and looked down upon, I feel otherwise.
Not just because of the obvious (the sexual skills).
But because if there’s anyone that really deserves femdom, it’s them!
Think about it.
Being made to service ugly fat men (most of the time! ?) in ways you’d neve want to, to STIFLE and BRIDLE that naturally dominant streak Chinese girls have to provide for their families, the disrespect, feeling of being used, and so forth . . .
. . . and those in the know know what I BE Talking about!
And to me, sexually, it’s even more exciting to worship those ladies.
“Ha, ha”, I can almost hear perfect Madam laughing. “He paid me for sex, twice, and he didn’t even do it once, and I got away with less!”
“Ha, ha! What a loser”, I remember the Goddess Aa Ling once laughingly telling me in the bordello (before she took me in hand).
That was when I was licking HER out instead of the opposite, where thousands of men’s COCKS had been before!
And that was such a massive turn on that although she didn’t say the “loser” part out loud then, the VIBE was there, and I felt it, and well, the rest is history ain’t it.
Same thing for me begging Madam Susan to allow me to clean the leftover towels, caked with CUM from clients who I don’t even know after she does the massage . . .
. . . and for to “regale” me with stories of how she was fucked and how I didn’t. and how sexy those dicks were (like my current SO does).
And so forth!
But most of all, it’s the feeling of worshipping those very ladies who in vanilla life are looked down upon the most, and they shouldn’t be!
Seperately, my ex (that same girl ALL THOSE YEARS ago who once asked me to go to counseling) said that if there was one person she could give a foot massage to or would want to, it was a rickshaw puller from India.
You know what I mean, of course. Their very existence is sorrowful, and if you look at the pictures, and I’ve written about this, of course . . . then, well, it’s obvious. I believe Calcutta (Kolkata now) has out lawed them, but given how lax implementation of laws is in in general in the subcontinent, I’m not sure.
Maybe perfect Madam Manju would know! ?
And anyway, the point stands – pun intended – doesn’t it? At least it does to me, and if you’re a true SISSY, it should to YOU TOO, boy!
Mike Watson
PS – Here is where you can read about tales of Chinese femdom done RIGHT :https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/chinese-femdom/
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