Dear Reader,
So, following on from what I wrote yesterday … I believe it was about ruined orgasms, and how a ruined orgasm (or chastity) for that matter does NOTHING whatsoever to dull a male’s libido or sexual energy (if done correctly, of course?).
Yes, that is what I wrote about … and while I’ve stated many times that the proof is indeed in the pudding with regard to this sort of a lifestyle, I’ll elaborate a bit more on this today.
Yesterday, I was chatting with Grace, a “recruiter” of all things.
She recruits foreign devils to teach English in mainland China – and while Madam Aa Ling – and Madam Krystal – for one (or two!) – in a long line of other lovely ladies would smugly nod their heads and be waiting for the “fresh meat” (as a lady recently referred to me as) – that is NOT something yours truly really does in real life.
Well, I did it before – of course – but not now. 😉 . Take that for what it may sound like, hehe.
The stories are true – mixed in with a dab of creative license – perhaps more so – and I’ll leave it be at that. 😉
Now, this lady had actually tried to help me out on many an occasion, and I wasn’t shy of pointing it out.
“Grace, you’ve been very helpful to me thus far! You deserve all the praise you can get!”.
Her response initially was a bit “taken aback and measured” if I might say so.
“I am not used to compliments!”, she responded.
“But you deserve them, Madam”, I said. And I meant every word, of course.
There was a “pregnant” pause.
“Absolutely! I’m not used to enjoy the compliment … but, compliment me more! I enjoy it!”
And as I happily did so (all true compliments by the way) – – she said this.
“Yes, others said this too. Some even insist sending me red envelope for helping them”.
And the nail really struck home at that point!
For those that don’t know, “red envelopes” are “online money” that can be sent on wechat (that oh so popular messaging app in China that features so often in my stories) … And, she wasn’t shy about mentioning that she had already been offered some.
“So, do you accept them if you get them?”, I asked.
You know, Chinese generally don’t accept “tips” – but then again, Chinese ladies know all men are good for is MONEY – and I’ve never ever met a single Chinese lady who wouldn’t confidently and very happily take a man’s money – and freely demand more, hehe.
“You don’t know?”, she asked, a wicked tone in her voice.
“No …”
“Well, send me a red packet and find out!”
Folks have often wondered why mainland China features so prominently in my stories – and why I have this “attraction” to mainland Chinese ladies.
It’s because they’re brutally direct when it comes to #femdom – and definitely #findom as well! And it’s because Chinese ladies in my experience, MORE than any other culture I’ve “been with” are “born” with a dominant streak in their psyches.
All ladies have it, of course, but in China, all it takes is a little bit of “stoke” to really fire up them embers – and get things going – and I’ve got no doubt whatsoever I’ll soon be kissing Grace’s feet – and begging her to accept my money!
Man what a rush it is, especially when you have a real CONNECTION with the woman you’re worshipping …
That last bit is key, by the way. Guys, don’t think you can run out and simply toss money at a woman and expect her to magically become your Domina. It doesnt work that way!
That has been mentioned at length in my manual on this, of course, but for now, I’ve been talking with another lovely lady Madam Jiji, who isn’t shy about telling me that “she likes beautiful things”.
And of course, that “no man ever bought them for her!”
Where that one will go, I ain’t got a clue as yet. I’ll keep ya’ll posted!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Any mention of #findom wouldn’t be complete without the gorgeous Princess Joanie, who is no longer in my life – but who I remember very fondly indeed –
P.S #2 – And of course how could I forget the lovely Madam Pearl, whose feet and soles I spent many hours worshiping … to read about that REAL LIFE story – here is where you need to GO –
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