I’ve never understood the craze about chocolate, vanilla or different flavored condoms.
Great fetish wise perhaps? I don’t know, I’ve never been into them. Id rather have the feeling of LIPS on skin – on dick – SMELL the dong – relish it – lick the sweat off the balls – and so forth.
No matter how ultra thin the condom is it’s always a barrier and you can FEEL it. Part of the reason I’ve never had sex with a condom unless I was with a prostitute.
Ah, the lovely Aa Ling. That first lip kiss, tongue kiss. Wouldn’t be the same with plastic wrap covering the lips,much like ass worship is not the same when done with saran wrap.
In Sin City Diaries I wrote about that one girl who bitched up a storm when I asked her not to use a condom while giving oral…she was a great girl, but I didn’t visit her that often either for that purpose.
STDs, you say?
I was worried about that when I sucked my first cock at 19 (felt so natural, that big organ – my!). Later, the usual guilt trips about being “gay” and the other rubbish. I’ve written about that before. What I haven’t written about is this – I was worried about STDs.
Still remember Rueben replying “you’re better off in that regard sucking a guys dick who hasn’t been with many other women at all as opposed to going bare back with women that sleep around. The mouth kills most germs”.
And it’s true, it does…
So that’s my take on it.
Every true dick lover regardless of gender will empathize with me, I’m sure.
To learn all about dicks and how to service then, or BE serviced at pleasurable levels like you never imagined before (you’ll never touch porn again, and you shouldn’t!) get the following courses
Cock worship for Sissies and Faggots.
And that’s that for this one, then.
Mike Watson
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