This morning, I was dealing with an annoying issue – one I brought up last night in terms of a food order I made on an app, and the items in the order not being what I ordered – some of them at least.
Man, I hate it when a restaurant does that. Be honest!
Happened a lot in China too, I’ve often complained about it.
Anyway. Email support wasn’t that helpful but upon checking it seems that I chose the wrong order. So, I chose chat support.
After a while, they connected me to an agent Shipra.
Instantly, as often happens – I FELT a shudder – shiver – of LUST COURSE through me!
I knew she would solve my issue without seeing her. Without talking to her. Without anything happening!
On auto pilot, I flicked my nipples like Bhagwati often does. I’ve been thinking of her all morning and maybe that’s why I’m “in the mood”? Nah, I always am! Hehe. And I think of Bhago all the time so it wasn’t that x.
It often happens.
The vibe!
Sure enough, the lady solved my problem. Quickly, effortlessly. But all throughout it was HARD, pun very much intended – to not keep calling her Ma’am!
I resisted. It was hard!
Kept it professional..towards the end though?
I couldn’t help it!
Thank you, Ma’am! Was what I said.
The casual reader here will not understand what the big deal is. Especially with that last statement being sort of normal as well.
But if you’re into femdom you will!
Was such a struggle not to say Paye lagu.
Somehow though as I keep saying, no need to say it. Heheh. Madam Shipra Memsahib..ji! Can feel it.
And that’s what counts x.
Thank you Ma’am!
As well as another lady with super customer service Racine Gray. The last name – so prosaic!
More on that later.
But that’s the update for now. Back soon!
Before I go though, y’all on my list that have been paying attention (you better, boy! Hehe) know I often have and talk about these experiences? Why?
Not just to illustrate how effortlessly I draw, manifest femdom to myself – literally not even trying or consciously thinking of it – that’s one reason yes but the other?
Every time this happens, PROBLEMS disappear. Just like what I keep saying about Bhagwati being a lucky charm for me. Just thinking of her, problems melt away, disappear!
Male lust controlled, BOTTLED – channeled RIGHT accomplishes miracles. I’ve written a LOT about why men are far better off NOT cumming – and orgasm control and such and it’s all true.
My course Sissygasm Central is a must grab in that regard.
No, not just for “gay” people either. I’m so sick of these stupid labels that don’t work – and idiotic statements like “do you like dick” – usually asked by men that love it themselves and are too scared to admit it even to themselves – and then trot out the “gay” term to cover up their own insecurities.
When asked what exactly gay is – crickets. When I bring up how so many do called alpha males suck cock – love it – have sex with men and not just in prisons either (another great example of why labels are bullshit) – crickets. Ugh.
Anyway. All the courses above are must grabs and back to it – when you FEEL it do powerfully – a GOOD vibe – others can too.
I cannot explain why.
That’s just how the Universe functions – vibe above all my friend.
And problems just melt away with the right vibe.
And that’s the real point of me mentioning this again!
Mike Watson
PS – See how effortlessly I attract femdom to myself, literally not even trying?
You can too if you follow the rules laid out in the course on it – and AFFIRM regularly.
Not all affirmations work. Most that you’re commonly taught actually drive you FURTHER away from your goals!
These affirmations DO work though.
More – Paula was asking me how my foot videos , that particular side of the biz – was doing.
Going great guns. From my new Indian slut – to custom content – all going well.
Contact us for custom foot videos, two somes, whatever your thang is. Just make sure it’s SSC!
And that’s that. X
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