Yours truly sissified was doing his and his SOs laundry.
She’s sitting on the bed with her feet up, on her computer.
Chatting on the phone. I’m doing the laundry.
So nice!
But anyway, it’s one of those sticky liquid type detergents.
Ladies, you know what a battle it is to get those LAST bits of it out, hehe, especially in COLD weather.
The last blobs as it were.
And on that note, I wrote about BLOBS the other day.
That BLOB of cum – a huge one – that DID NOT either erupt or “ejaculate”.
It just came without me feeling anything (remember the post on the dream, and how I STOPPED my orgasm by simply diverting my mind)?
As I woke up, my dick felt heavy.
And that blob escaped.
It just escaped.
And THAT, my friend, was the PERFECT ruined orgasm – the EPITOME!
It stuck to those hairy sissy nuts of mine too!
Anyway, I cleaned up.
And then I wrote about it to you.
And today, I gotta say this after whichever IDIOT and serial refunder did so on the book on ruined orgasms.
They’re something everyone in the BDSM wants to do, and try, men especially but do it right?
Doing it right is NOT easy, even for those us experienced at it!
And this is just ONE of those tips to do it right.
Remember, the sissygasms give him sissy pleasure WITHOUT the contractions and orgasms, so I love those better.
But ruined orgasms should be just that.
No “first ejaculation and then stop”.
No “until the point of no-return and stop”.
It’s BEFORE that point, and stop, and preferably think of something else though thats hard to do with a Goddess sneering at you, hehe.
And so she should.
You pay her bills, you serve her, you cook and clean, and she does NONE of the above.
Guess what.
Women are such GODDESSES!
We men live to be SPAT upon by them and used, abused, and much like toilet paper, THROWN away.
And Pooja Memsahib knows this the BEST, hehe.
Anyway, enough on that.
Remember – all about RELEASE – not necessarily PLEASURE – and keeping him hard and horny for YOU, Madam!
Mike Watson
PS – Turn him into the perfect sissy for you with the tips here. Much like Venus so adriotly told me “My husband is my servant!” (she even made him drive to my apartment, hehe) … she’s RIGHT. You KNOW IT, ladies! A good sissy at home that pays the bills is INVALUABLE!
PS #2 – Have you checked out the Watson faithful as yet? Remember, membership means free everything (not paperbacks tho) for a LIFETIME provided your membership stays active (yes, all current and future digiral products – – and int he future there WILL be an option for paperbacks too).
PPS – Again, I’m trying to clean my list (not my pipes tho, hehe). So if you’re on here for freebies and nothing else, do yourself and me a favor and PLEASE – I repeat, PLEASE unsubscribe!
And if you’re a genuine buyer that has already bought – my sissified and CUCKED request to you, Sir, Ma’am, or whatever the case might be – DO LEAVE reviews! Doesn’t have to be 5 star, one star, any star – what matters is an HONEST and genuine review!
(if you don’t, the trolls, idiots and serial refunders will – and we all know those can’t be trusted. So do leave genuine reviews! Goodreads has some, and this page has some, but we’d love MORE!)
(Sissy love and please, hehe. Or pleasure!)
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