Well, so I believe I ended off on that note the last time I emailed you – but hey, I think I also gave you some background on how I met this imperious lady from Shanghai, didn’t I?
So imperious that she may even put Madam Pearl to shade, something I never in my wildest dreams believed possible, but then again as I’ve said before – – imagination is everything.
We truly do CREATE what comes into our lives through our thoughts – – and on that sage note, for those that forgot, I added this lady one night idly when browsing through my wechat groups never once expecting she would add me back.
Much like with Princess Joanie, of course, but in both cases … VIBES spoke – – and when vibes speak, well …
And now, the question, of course!
“Yes, you may! You may ask anything”, she said, the second sentence said in a more polite tone, with a giggle.
“Madam, where were you all these days? Why didn’t we meet before?” , I said, and I meant it! I’ve been looking for a lady like her for a while now, and …
“Perfect Madam Jojo”, I finished off, and meant every word, hehe.
“I am in that singles group for one month, boy! You didn’t add me!”
And while she didn’t say “boy” – – she might well as have!
I apologized profusely.
“Madam, please accept my apology!”
And I meant it, of course – both for me – and her, hehe.
But she didnt mind – – apparently.
“You don’t need to apologize, Mike! I was just kidding!”
I don’t?
“Madam Jojo, we both know that!” I replied. “But I did it anyway, and you know why!”
And again, those peals of laughter that rang out – – I might as well have veen there in person!
And then it was on to the topic of “meeting in person”, of course.
I wouldn’t mind being quarantined for 14 days with her (that seems to be the current law for those traveling to other provinces, as I stated before) – – but in a hotel, government run??
Nah – I’ll pass … and on that sage note, Madam replied.
“I’m mad about this virus!”
“Yes, I wish the Chinese government had reported it when it first started. We wouldn’t have this mess then!”
And of course, she disagreed with me – – being Chinese – and while I was going to “educate” her – I remembered my place – – in the nick of time!
“We have different political opinions, Madam! No point discussing it”, I said in a shy manner.
Curiously enough she continued to discuss it … but hey, politics is NOT why I’m talking to her – and she me, hehe.
TRUE femdom is about just that – true femdom and maybe I’ll keep you posted on how the political conversation goes too!
For now, it’s adios – I’ll be back soon!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Check out our very extensive indeed collection of Chinese femdom– right here – – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/chinese-femdom/
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