Dear Reader,
I have written a lot about my own experiences (femdom related) on this website and indeed through this newsletter, and today’s I’ll write about one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever been fortunate to be with – a lovely young lady from Hunan province in mainland China.
Anne, or Madam Anne as I like to call her …
Before I go down that particular “lane of my memory”, hehe, suffice it to say that we had a relationship outside BDSM as well. This wasn’t just a “play” relationship like with a lot of the other ladies I refer to (not that there is anything wrong with “play”!).
As with so many of the other women I met in mainland China, I met Anne at a learning center when I was contracted to teach a few classes there part time.
Now, as I’ve stated repeatedly in the past, Mike Watson does NOT do monkey jobs in mainland China – but sometimes they have their advantages, if you get my drift. In fact, every time I’ve done said job, something good has happened on the femdom and life front. Makes you wonder, doesnt it? Hehe …
Anyway, how I met her and how the relationship progressed will probably be a tale reserved for “Meeting Madam Anne” – but for now, a few little “erotic” tidbits that I remembered last night.
She actually messaged me out out of the blue last night and that is what sparked off all the memories. The first kiss. The first time I looked at those lovely feet of hers. Her red nailpolish … our first dinner together, which she insisted on paying for, despite me wanting to do it …
Those lovely alluring eyes, that beautiful fair skin, that long, black hair, and those lovely lips, oh those lips that sucked my nipples ever so well…!
So, the first night in bed. We were together, and she asked me if I wanted a massage.
“Sure, sweetie”, although my thoughts were on something different, if you get my drift!
And she gave me a nice head massage, followed by you-know-what, and then we went to bed.
The next night I asked her.
“Honey, massage me. I’m so tired!”
She looked at me, and giggled.
“Oh, sorry, Mike. I’m tired and cant do it!”
And there was that look in the eye, THAT look I refer to so often, and that was really when I started to open about my fetish – while I was rubbing her legs as she relaxed.
She was a bit surprised at first, but as I bent to her feet, I caught a glimpse of her face.
A huge smile, and that LOOK, that all-so-knowing LOOK in the eye!
She knew. Deep down within her she knew what I wanted, and she LOVED it too.
She knew. As she herself told me the first night when I went to her place (and asked her if I could spend the night) – “Of course! You KNOW!”
And I knew, and she did too, hehe.
This lovely lady would often wake me up in the middle of the night when she was thirsty.
“Gei wo shui” (Give me water), she’d say.
In the morning, it would be tea. Green tea as she preferred.
She had a very subtle style of dominance, and of course, when I asked her for a blowjob, her initial response was NO.
She did this later due to a variety of reasons – – which will be detailed in the book, but for now, you’re probably asking why we didn’t continue our relationship for the long term.
I left her – which was probably a huge mistake on my part – and as to why? Well, another huge mistake on her part – but I’ll get into that later.
And as we reminisced on wechat about all this yesterday, I had this to say – sometimes in life we have to LOSE the good things we HAD – in order to truly appreciate how good it was while it lasted!
Sage words, my friend – sage indeed – fetish or not – and I’ll end on that note!
Let me know if you want to know more about Madam and me, and I will speed up work on the actual book, hehe.
Back again tomorrow !!
Mike Watson
P.S. – If you enjoy little snippets like what I gave you above – then “Owned by Madam Aa Ling“ is perfect for YOU, my friend. I still remember her, after all these years. Sure wish we had smartphones back then so I could have stayed in touch …
P.P.S – And if you’re looking to NOT repeat the mistakes Anne and me made – even in terms of femdom – well then you better learn about the right way to approach all this. This little “here” manual is just what the “doctor” ordered –
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