Why and HOW Masters bitches are way better trained than Pavlovs dogs ever were.

We have all heard of Pavlov, eh? And his dogs. Tinkle, tinkle, out the dogs come – in and as of itself a slave fantasy. Hehe.

But, my control and training goes beyond even what the great Pavlov did or could begin to fathom. No disrespect meant there. I’m simply several cuts above them all and everyone knows it. Hehe.

Take a gander at this –

The fog you create in my mind is definitely hypnotic, I’ve not noticed any conditioning, any clever tricks to get me to comply or change my behaviour but the animal noises thing, I don’t know what it is, it’s got a power over me, it’s like pavlov and his dog, I hear the noise, or I read the word and without even taking a moment to comprehend what’s happening, I’m feeling the tightness in my pants, it’s like I miss a breath, like my heart rate quickens, it’s exciting to mooo. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but it’s true. I’m interested to know what else is happening to me that I haven’t even noticed.

Well, well, well!

Not surprising eh.

My response –

Hi Gabriella,


Yes – that fog is all encompassing too! Hehe. I don’t use any “tricks” as so many people do – I don’t need to, and it’s pointless – the key is to take up residence in the Sissy MIND and give them what they want, deserve and CRAVE for their eventual betterment as a sissy. That is the ultimate goal of it all which most others sadly miss. It’s also yet another reason that I’m way different from the rest – as you’ve yourself noted. Haha. 

And so it is, my friend – all always truly about the mind.


Sissies reading this should know that Sissy Central is a must grab for every budding and even experienced sissy – to learn the ropes and keep practicing them. You are never too good for the basics!

Sissygasm Central and Sissy Confessions are must grabs for obvious reasons…

And of course, perhaps our Sissy Subscription which also includes the world famous cock worship for Sissies and Faggots – and Penis Central.

Oh, in case it isn’t clear by now (why Pavlov “ain’t got shit on Mike Watsons conditioning” – no pun hehe-

Master Sir,


The mooing, it’s so degrading, it’s humiliating, it makes me feel like an animal, lower on the priority list than any human, I feel inferior everytime I moo or even read it on your messages. Even on your blog posts, they all seem to be aimed at me and I can’t hide that it is becoming so much more than just a word, it’s a trigger, it makes my tiny excuse for a clitty twitch, makes my mind go a little more foggy. You didn’t even ask me to moo when I threw the keys away but there was no doubt in my mind that I would do it. I was so scared that someone would hear me, I picked a quiet spot on the river, away from buildings and waited for joggers to be a good distance away. My cheeks were bright red with embarrassment but it made what was already am exhilarating experience so much more.

If nothing else, I’m glad I gave you and anyone you tell the story too a good laugh at how pathetic I am.


My response –

Hi Gabriella,


I’m aware of how it makes you feel, the “trigger” as you put it to go to the next level (or one of them, at any rate).


I agree with most of what you say except for the fact that it seems to be mostly aimed at you – well, it “seems” that way because all my communication is written as if I’m talking to ONE person and not the masses as thats what makes it real.


It’s aimed at every sissy out there – you’d be amazed at some of the messages I’ve got in response. One sissy even stripped naked and moooooed without me explicitly asking her to (as I didn’t with you, hehe).


Like you say, I never leave a person’s mind once I ENTER it! That fog is dense, yet all welcoming – yet overwhelming – and NIGH HYPNOTIC isn’t it?




Sissy Confessions has already entered your mind too Im sure. Once you read THAT? The mooing will seem as natural as BREATHING to you once some of the confessions made to Megan take up residence in your “mind”. Hehe.


I know everything I say is addictive, but Sissy Confessions? That’s like comparing an occasional hit of weed to “coke” addiction. It is so TRULY mind-blowing and deserves a series of emails devoted to it alone.


Get it – the emails are but a push along the right direction for every sissy out there (you’re getting them because I believe you also signed up for the sissy list if I’m not mistaken) – and I’m very happy I’m doing the right thing as I always have in that regard!



Mike Watson


PS – Was hilarious explaining all this to a chick with me the other day! But even that’s paradise isn’t it? Master and his girl laughing at the sissy…

Shortly thereafter (no pun again hehe) I saw her purchase for the mind-blowing Sissy Confessions. What a good girl! Xo

And if that don’t make it clear as daylight, even to befuddled lust crazy perverted sissy minds – I dont know WHAT will. Hehe.

And that’s that.

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