Gender (role) reversals are such fun x

Aanchal Ma’am, Paye Lagu! You’re so nice – right down to your thick forearms, arms triple mine – hehe – so beautiful, and yes, the feminity shows Ma’am! So would press those arms and shoulders for you for hours while you relax after your workout, cook, and…  Ah, but I’m getting side tracked as always. Hehe. Lovely Indian women do that to me!


I’ve written before about calling Mistress Master, and more… So Erotic and hits home so well because it’s nigh TRUE!

Fitness wise, I’m seeing so many ladies out there that do the thing so much better than men, pull-ups included.

This lady Aanchal – she’s not the bodybuilding sort which is not functional – I dislike that. I’m the lean and mean sort myself – hey, I’ve spoken about it before, we all know what women really like! 😉 x

She’s the weightlifting sort – but she does it right. Huge thick arms, forearms, and she in many ways is SO manly,thank you Ma’am x!

That don’t necessarily mean she’s stronger than me physically – no. It ain’t about size. It’s about what you do with that size – pun intended and not, hehe.

But she looks it,the vibe etc…so lovely not just to see a small percent of men come out and be truly comfortable with their feminine side – hint, just saying you are don’t mean you are – and lots more women coming out with their masculine side!.

So lovely.

Lots of so called straight men with all the same fetishes everyone has, except deep down they’re embarassed about it claim “women have to be strong in life or the gym’ because men in general are getting weaker.

In SOME regards they have a point. The reverse holds true too about men having to become more feminine sometimes ; but….

…. Their core thinking is wrong.

Not so much about natural gender roles, those are what they are and tru regardless of fetish, current societal trends, preferences etc. we are all human!

But their thinking of men coming out with their feminine side as being weak – spot on WRONG. Same for the reverse ie women coming out with THEIR masculine side.

We all have it.

X and Y. Ying and yang.

Deny it all you like but it is there, it won’t, can’t, shouldn’t go away.


The key is to be truly comfortable – I mean TRULY, not just mere words, actions too – wth this side of yours.

If you’re truly comfortable, your inner strength shows regardless and people just have to respect that. Lots of folks come out without being entirely comfortable with it, some try and “coerce others to join them” – and thus all the friction on these issues in today’s society.

It’s about vibe, my friend. Simple. Inner strength, courage, true guts shine through regardless.

And being comfortable with your other side and displaying it publicly isn’t just one of the sexiest and most interesting things you can regardless of gender.

It also takes a hell of a lot of guts and is one of the most courageous things you can do!

Do it.

An attitude like that would resolve a lot of the animosity we see in today’s society…

And thats that

Back soon.



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