Madam Su and madam Sophia make it all clear!

No, not THIS Sophia, though it could be! Haha.

This is Sophia Bai, her of “Hello, boy!” Fame – a great little tale that isn’t so little I wrote way back in 2017, and the book in which in which the ravishing cuckoldress Madam Su is introduced!

And, Master Jerome, that long black dick with the sexy black KNOB!

I’ve spoken Galore about those two of course, but what is not as well known?

They make an appearance in Submissive Musings – volume three as well.

Remember Merce, who I counseled a while back?

That post is here….

And he replied today, along with a great review for the book – review first –

Personal review on submissive musings volume #3


I liked the story told in the book, I found it interesting, I’ve explored new terms about BDSM far tan what I’m used to in between this thematic.

I’ll have to say, that on the first chapter i found it difficult to read while translating it, because I was not used yet to your kind of expressions you repeat during your writings, nor the “publicity” about your other books that is written doing some connections between stories that at first startled me and I got lost on the track of what was going on.

But when i understood how everything was going, then i just started to vibe with the flow, and when Madame Su finally made her first appearance it got all the sense back, and it was more fluid to both read and translate.

I felt, like if I read everything after all was translated, though there is not that problem of fluidity. 

I also like the way you introduce Madame Sophia in between others, but when she enters again in the path you reintroduce her, so that everyone keeps in touch on her importance and who she is and what does it mean to you. 

Also (I’ll stop after this ;)), it was so easy to understand all the scenes during the sex “intercourse” between Madame Su, Jackson (“and you”) since it was all super well written and detailed on the points which needed to be explained in order to get the physical and emotional positions of all the three involved.

Overall, great job!!

And he’s right. Haha.

As he says, the emotional part is very important,mental is key, i always make sure to emphasize that because it’s TRUE!

Without the mental, nothing happens, but while the thoughts may overwhelm at times, when you see – read – – FEEL – the dominance FLOWING from the two femme fatales?

All doubts disappear. Hehe. Like they were never there!

And it all flows from there.

Thanks for the great review Merce – and his current situation –

Thanks for your counselling, i thinks it’s more the second one, althoungh i’ve been overthinking and self-sabotaging thinking it’s the first one. He is commited to the relationship, i’ve been talking to him about my musings on this and we’ve come to a solution together, of me getting first used to it, and him helping me take the firsts steps on experimenting with other people as a way to came back to the other knowing ourselves better, what do we like to be done to us in other contexts, and to also improve our self-love. And we also made a pact of telling each other if something just sounds wrong, just talk about it and restart the situation or adapt it to the new comfortable zone for both of us. Also, i’ve done the little evaluation, i’ll attach it now here. It’s really brief, hope it’s okay <3

Yours truly –

Hi Merce,

Thanks for your response and the review – much appreciated – yes, the review is fine – Madam Su and Sophia straightem it all out don’t they? Hehe…

And I don’t know why my last message didn’t show up fully – I was saying that while overthinking is normal sometimes in these situations – COMMUNICATION is always key and where way too many people “miss the boat”- and I’m glad you guys aren’t.

Keep communicating in a SSC manner as you are while being aware and mindful of each other’s desires, and you can’t go wrong – communication is the bedrock on which any meaningful relationship is built and more importantly,maintained for the long term Keep me posted my friend!!

Best Mike

And that’s that.

Kink therapy here for those interested.

See you soon!




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