Archie’s gallery and those memories, memories!

Femdom wise, well, growing up in mainland india – there were plenty!

But there’d be plenty no matter where I grew up – I’ve been attracting it since birth on auto pilot, right from my very dominant and Nazi feminist and this is in a BAD Way – mom. You should never be that way to kids, or in real life, but anyway – perhaps – and indeed, that is one of the reasons the seed of femdom sprung early in me.

Coping mechanism?

Maybe initially.

Now I just enjoy it.

And as Mistress Irene put it so well “you’re a kinky bottom” or “switch”. I believe.

Both fit me very well.

Believe me, to dominate well – you HAVE To, period – submit well!

And believe me, the reverse holds true too. Goose and gander, ying and yang, and all of it.

Back in the day in eighth grade was when I first “proposed” to a girl – in my class – as we called it then in India “propose”.

All it was a ton of missed calls, and some romantic stuff, I was so shy I Could barely hand her a Valentine’s Day’s card!

“Mridul”  I believe was Madams name?

Kinda fat, chubby really to be honest, and it didnt go anywhere.

We didnt “do” anything.

Much like NOW. Hehe.

Those seeds!

But I remember hiding it from my parents (the card)- walking down to the “market” where a certain Archie’s gallery was located, speaking some halting Hindi, and mostly English when  I bought the card with the smidgeon of pocket money I got back in the day, which was barely enough to buy two cigarettes per day – which I did, of course. Hehe.

Femdom sprung in me way before though, my first orgasm – I’ve written a bit about it – came at FEET, of course. At night, pressing those feet as I write about so often!

Anyway …………………………

I bought the card for her.

I hid it in my school bag.

And gave it to her …

Years later, about 30 or so years later, the memory of her walking down the school aisle, me giving it, buying it, is still as crystal clear as if it was yesterday.

And it was sparked by someone on Twitter by the name “Archie”.

Indeed, Archie’s gallery.

And for more such sexy – scintillating (ok, this one wasn’t near as sexy, but the rest all ARE!) memories, get Indian Femdom Recollections NOW.

And some of our books on indian femdom as well.

Back soon!



PS – A lady asked me why I would want to call her Ma’am.

I plead the fourth, Ma’am … May I?


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