I’m writing quite the book on sissy confessions. Hehe.
And while #6 isn’t as spicy as #5 (all are true though) – it might end up being somewhere deep down into the post.
Cocks and dongs tend to do that to sissies!
Including Master’s hairy chest, i so want to rub my nose in the hair, much like I did Master Wang’s pubic hair, much like a lot of girls have done in mine.
The most recent being a girl “Annie” who hugged me the other day, then sent me a lot of texts about my hairy chest, about “how much I like the feeling of being in your chest”.
Being a sissy is liking the feeling of being a girl – without making the full leap to “trans” or whatever it’s called these days.
It’s called keeping your options open and enjoying what you want out of life if you do it right without worrying about useless tags (again). As I wrote on Twitter on that one while sharing an oldie but goodie about “are guys that suck cock gay” – “who cares”.
Who cares.
If you like it, go for it.
What you and everyone should care about is SSC…………….
Anyway, I’ve often been told I have girlie feet – and girlie habits!
Curiously enough, most MEN have these habits too, they just dont get it.
take, for instance, keeping up with the latest gossip.
My alpha male friend into fitness had a friend called Uncle Bob – and the two would email each other so much with “what is happening during the day” that my friend’s wife actually got a tad pissed and jealous! (but their emailing started WAY before he was married).
No bromance, just a good friendship – and lots of banter and gossip.
Which guy – straight or not – hasn’t done it?
Then my habits (or so they say) of “goose and gander” ie. if women can do it, so can men – if men can, so can women – in a non fetish sense are often parodied or potrayed as being female.
OK …..
But really this leads me to sissy confession #6.
“Ma’am, was he good in bed?”
“Ma’am, how big was his cock”?
I often told Madam Ann about how much I wanted her to date sexy men – ditto with Madam Pearl.
Not every guy has cuckold tendencies.
But, I’ll bet dollars to donuts, including a lovely cum stained donut I saw recently with a lovelier dong spurting a load on it, making it SOGGY – oh my! I almost came looking at it, I thanked him profusely for it! … that most guys if they see another naked guy – at some point – will have some so called “faggotty” thoughts if they haven’t already.
Cock is just sexy, lets admit it.
And most guys HAVE those fantasies to a certain extent, how much they allow themselves to get into it is something else, another tale altogether…
Sissies love discussing MEN with their lovely owners and superiors!
How handsome the man was, how long their dongs were, was he good in bed, we lust over buying their condoms, cleaning ma’am’s house (Madam Su!) so she doesnt have to when he comes home, and so on and so forth.
And while women might discuss the cock part to an extent, we love it so much mor!
As a lady once adroitly said on Twitter with a post .. (and a caption) …
It had ladies giggling and gossipping with drinks.
“Sissies discussing their Madam’s latest cock!”
yes, we love it!
(I put the word Madam in there, but that was her gist too).
(she’s so NICE!)
Anyway ………….
Thats sissy confession #6, might not come as a surprise, but thats what I SO love discussing with Madam the most, her lover’s DONGS!
And I’ll never ever let go of that girlie habit.
Back soon!
Mike Watson
Ps – Penis lovers, the best compilation for you is HERE. This is truly something the world has never ever seen before. Grab it now, because the price, much like the erect dongs in the book – will go UP very soon!
In other words, shoot that load NOW – which you likely will just by reading a Mike Watson special “how to”. Hehe.
And right now, I so want to suck Master’s nipples to give him pleasure, lick his lovely dong – dollop his HEAD – and just love the hairy body he has, especially his CHEST! Ties in SO well with Sissy Confession numero SIX! Hehe.
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