Yours truly had the pleasure of (years and years ago) meeting TWO women online who were every bit as smart, intelligent, dominant and Goddess like as a woman could be.
As Chinese women are.
As Indian women are.
As ALL Women are – in their own way !
Including Caucasian women …
And the forums were a lot of fun. To be honest, yours truly had never thought of starting his own thing back then, but if he had – well – more history would have been made until now!
But GOOD energy is never ever wasted.
I had FUN talking to Mistress Irene on that site for one (her own site, I believe), and she was so KIND to me in many ways!
Not just me, everyone. Says a lot about why if there is ever a discussion on the “premier” Domina out there, SHE is the one. Her name will probablyc ome up first.
Rightfully so too ,hehe.
Anyway, another lady was Mistress VIXEN, and her lovely “cohort in crime” Madam … ?
I can’t remember her name!
But, I think the “Madam” was how she preferred to be addressed.
And she loved TWEAKING, pinching, flicking, and otherwise playing with nipples, I soon learnt – after a thread I created on that!
Which was deraile dby a certain “soleserver” (his ID).
But, she loved it anyway!
And as she spoke about “tearing his nipples off at a fetish party”, little did I Know what lay in store for me in the FUTURE.
But nipple play is nothing new to me, my friend.
Sin City Diaries for one tells you tales of Chinese women that controlled me so expertly from positions you’d never imagine.
Massage workers. Ladies of the night. And maids etc.
I kissed their feet.
I let them “get away” with less than they were “paid to do”.
And guess what.
They deserved it. Every bit.
And I loved being used and abused. Every bit!
And Mistress Vixen was, is, and (despite me not “seeing” her online for YEARS) is still a perfect queen and British Goddess.
Why does that matter?
Well, it doesnt to me.
But it did to “Ravi”, hehe.
Maybe not “Angela”. Maybe not initially, but the Second Volume, which hasn’t come to “fruition” as yet (much liek that orgasm I never get hehe) will tell you more on it!
For now, let me just end by saying what I did on the other site.
Especially with historical overtones …
And on that note?
I’m … OUT … BOY!
(As Ms. Priyanka so often told me to!;))
Mike Watson
PS – Just read a real life “Priyanka” (a bollywood actresss) was “rapped on the knuckles” or something for violating (supposedly) some silly lockdown or whart not in the UK. Madam went to the salon.
For her lovely fingernails. How dare …. well, you true femdom lovers get the point!
But really. Precautions – – not panic! We all know who spread this mess,and then ran away “scot free”. I dont think it’s in the interest of the entire world to stay on permanent lockdown for one!
(But, “Pee Cee” look even more gorgeous with her face mask and shield, I WILL say that!)
(And no, I have’t seen the White Tiger as yet despite writing about it, for those that will no doubt ask). Not a fan of movies in general these days! (any language).
(Did make an exception for the Expendables tho. Nothing if not outwardly macho I am, hehe. Shades of many grey’s!).
PS #2 – Pick up “Her Brown Slut” while you’re at. Lots of you will LOVE IT!
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