And as she doesn’t even know it as yet! ?
What do I mean?
Well, yesterday I wrote a post on my Medium account about the effect Perfect Madam Jessie had on me.
Her, and of course the imperious Madam Aa Ling who I remember until THIS date . . .
And I’ve written galore about the effect some ladies have on me, or a lot . . . with that look in the eye!
Madam Sophia had it. Both of them!
Princess Joanie did. Oh boy! She hooked me from the word go . . .
And the ravishing, and VERY BEST and one and only cuckoldress Madam Su, her of the gorgeous long legs, confident demanor and much, much more had it too!
And so did many other ladies.
It’s that drop dead DOMINANT look, as opposed to just the gorgeous look. In fact many of these ladies aren’t even considered “gorgeous” (or wouldn’t be) by regular “standards” (which are a crock, hehe).
But to me, they are, and from the word go.
At the risk of sounding like a broken friggin record, guys, it’s not about her looks, age or anything else.
It’s NOT about her body either!
It’s about her DOMINANT attitude when it comes to femdom, BOY!
And that dominance that just SEARS into your soul . . . the minute you look into, and are FORTUNATE to look into . . . HER eyes, truly a window unto her dominant soul!
This morning I received an email from a certain “Sophie”.
Apparently she’s looking for bloggers to do paid work for some “brands”.
Now, I Receive a bazillion such emails daily, and most of them get . . . guess what.
If there is something that annoys me more than anything it is SPAM.
Unsolicited email, and advertising, and emails without an unsubscribe link at the bottom (or somewhere in it).
And especially emails from the Indian subcontinent where “Vikas” or “Anubhav” want to build websites for me.
No way, Jose.
Not to mention it’s obvious to the meanest intelligence that I can build one myself eh, LOL.
Anyway . . .
I was going to delete the email, but something stopped me.
Maybe the vibe coming from the words. Everything we write has a vibe, my friend, and this email did, and as I read through the email, it seemed it was genuine (though a “bulk emailing blast” regardless).
And as I scrolled down, it hit me.
The lady’s picture.
Just her face.
No feet, no legs, no arms, nothing.
Just a friendly face.
But it hit me like a wet sock.
And just so you know, Madam contacted me through my fitness email address, and she likely has no idea she is being written about here, so I won’t share her URL here. It’s genuine though I’ll say that!
I emailed her back, and lets see what she says.
But oh boy – the VIBE!
And you know what I mean, don’t you?
Of course you do, hehe.
Head on over here, and you’ll get even more of an idea of what it means to be FLATTENED by sheer, unrelenting FEMALE DOMINANCE:
Mike Watson
P.S. – And yes, you have to PAY for the books and products I’ve spent years putting together. No freebies here my friend. If that’s you (freebies), well, you know which link to click right NOW! ?
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