Over the past few days, your truly has been dealing with several annoyances.
More so than usual, and the crowning annoyance of course amongst all these was something that has been going for a while, but only now hit a “crest” (pun NOT intended, hehe).
And by that what I mean is those dreaded COMPUTER issues.
Several weeks ago, my laptop started to act up.
Wouldn’t let me right click.
Wouldn’t let me search.
Et al.
It seems that every new version of Winblows they come out with is WORSE than the previous version, and Windows 10 doesn’t appear to be an exception to that sage rule.
The more complicated things get, the more you “need” to get back to the basics to fix stuff. And the more it never gets fixed.
In short, I had to upgrade my Winblows (or replace it, I can’t quite remember which) and though it was supposed to put all my old stuff in Winblows.old, it never did.
And . . . I lost years of work.
My books. My “foot” images that I so lovingly stored on the computer to share on social media with YOU Guys.
My personal pics.
And much more.
(actually, it would be more accurate to say I lost that which wasn’t backed up to one of the various clouds I use, but that’s still a lot!)
Anyway . . . there is always a bright side to everything!
And imperious Madam Anikita, her whom I wrote about on my fitness site is one of them, and the BEST thing that happened to me yesterday.
I’ve spoken about vibes, haven’t I?
And how you can just FEEL the femdom SEARING into you sometimes as you look at a certain girl . . . her EYES.
That look in the eyes, and truth be told, words carry the same vibe.
And being she works for Google, I had contacted her about a “suspension” on one of my other accounts (non BDSM related).
And Madam ignored most of what I said, of course, sending me a stock copy and paste response to the order of “let’s get on the phone!” for something that there was NO need to get on the phone about.
OF course, I should have realized it at the time without getting irritated.
That’s her RIGHT, boy! ?
And then I sent her another email saying “please don’t call me, please get back to me via email”, and guess what Madam did.
She copied and pasted email #1 and sent it back.
I got ticked off. Seriously!
And I sent a response back which showed it, and then of course, it got resolved. Google probably took a look at it and told her to actually read, and she did, and . . . but as I got the “Hi Mike, I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding”, I felt that familiar rush of blood to my loins.
OH boy!
She wasn’t sorry, and of course, she doesn’t need to be ! ?
And I could feel the femdom just RUNNING off the words she wrote, and the way she wrote it, and the only thing I wanted to say was “Thank you, Madam Ankitha!”
But I didn’t.
I said “no problem”.
And as she replied again, I don’t know why, but I got a hard on that stayed with me all day. Combined with the visual of another Indian girl I’ve recently seen, and the uber dominant Goddess Ankitha . . . oh boy!
And in the shower, I just HAD to get some relief.
But I didn’t jerk off.
I did what so many other girls have made me do and done to me, and as I put a finger in, I know my sissy ass was ready.
I KNEW, I should say, but I still know now as I write this!! ?
For those into P spot play, and I’ll put out a dedicated book on that later, you KNOW what I mean.
That spot was HARD, and round, and a few touches was all it took for yours sissified.
Yes, Madam!
Ah, Paye Lagu, Madam Ankitha! You’re the best! Thank you so much for your copy and paste job, Madam . . .
And if she was here right now, I’d drop down to my knees and say it!
And that’s the update for now. Back soon!
Mike Watson
P.S. – Here is where you can read stories about MORE Indian Goddesses, all outdoing each other in terms of sheer dominance – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/indian-femdom/
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