Before I start this one, let me tell you I’m NOT a scat fan in any way, shape or form.
Before I start this one, Yes, I’ve spoken out against scat (brown) play in general, if just for the health risks (as opposed to golden showers which are fairly safe if certain safety measures are followed).
Always SSC, yours truly is!
But . . . Mistress Dana, her of the emails I wrote before, she’s so damned PERFECT in every sense, that if she made me kneel and stare at that nasty, yet perfectly shaped TURD I saw floating in the toilet bowl that night – – I’d gladly do it, and thank her for it!
And kiss her ass for it profusely as well!! Hehe. ?
And its because the “s” shaped (too much information for some of you, I know, but I had to say it!) perfect nature of what I just mentioned is PERFECT . . . just as she is.
She would wake up early in the morning, and get her feet massaged for a while. After that, often times it was time for a head rub.
Sometimes, she’d relax in bed while I rubbed her head, and she would read the news paper (remember, those were the time before the smartphone!)
Madam, you should get a head massage in the morning, and foot massages in the evening and night, I still remember saying.
As she drank her morning coffee, she would suddenly be struck with the urge to go, and would wave me away imperiously, with a mere FLICK of the finger.
Off, boy!
But it was off to the bathroom, as I’d kneel on the floor obediently, waiting for her to finish. I’d NEVER once look up, instead keep my gaze fixated on her lovely feet . . .
And I’d wipe her ass after she was done.
Hurry up, boy! I don’t have all day!
(The above is a mini-excerpt from a yet unwritten book “Mistress Dana”. Definitely one in the works though!)
The point of me saying this, you ask? Especially when the scat itself isn’t a turn on for me?
Is this . . .
She’s perfect, and so is her waste, BOY! For you, at least . . .
And that holds true for her boyfriend’s waste too. His piss, that golden shower coming out of that beautiful cock head of his . . .
Anyway, Mistress Jyoti, or should say the lovely Ms. Priyanka didn’t have perfectly shaped turds at all!
In fact, as you read about in the Sequel to the Indian Goddess series, she often had trouble GOING.
Big time, and hence my services were required in the mornings . . .
What service?
Well, I’ve written about it before, but for you newbies you’ll have to crack open the book to find out!
And though her waste wasn’t perfectly shaped by any stretch of the imagination, just thinking about serving her “after she went” – – wiping her ass with the moist toilet paper so PAINSTAKINGLY prepared by me . . . and her laughing at me when I thanked her for the privilege . . .
Often times spitting tooth paste on me . . .
IT’s a feeling you have to experience to really understand – – so perfect was Madam!
Mike Watson
P.S. – More such tales of perfection and perfect Goddesses are HERE –
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