If you can’t pay her . . .

I have said it many a times, and it is TRUE.

If you can’t pay her . . . don’t waste her time!

No, she doesn’t want to see your dick. No, she’s not interested in “dominating you for fun” (I keep these idiotic Instagram requests for that, mostly idiots that haven’t even bothered to READ my profile).

No, she ain’t interested in sending foot pictures “just the way you like it” for free.

No, she ain’t interested in using you as a “case study”.

Did I cover all the idiotic requests you ladies get on a regular basis (and sometimes sissies like yours truly too, hehe?) .

I think so. If not, let me know and I’ll add on to that ever growing list, but for now, what if you’re a genuine sub – – TRULY interested in femdom, but can’t or don’t want to pay as yet?

And note I said truly interested. You cannot fake the VIBE, no matter how much you try.

And the answer might surprise you.

Back in the day, I was a member of the Dominity forum for one.

Not sure if that’s still active. I’ll have to check, but if you see a person on either Fetlife or Dominity with the screen name “Mystery”, well, that is ME. Yours truly as it were, hehe.

And while I haven’t done a lot on Fetlife (well, I did start a BDSM WeChat group in China a long time ago and got members from there,  but that’s a different tale), I DID post a lot on Dominity.

And NOT for financial gain in any way.

In fact I did NOT include links to any of my sites or businesses there though I Could have.


I freely participated in the ladies forums there (all pro Dominas), and as  result, I got more than money could ever hope to buy.

I got to TALK to these ladies on a semi-personal level.

OK, mostly fetish related, but the talks were all SENSIBLE and rational unlike the testosterone fueled “I am sending my dick pic!” nonsense we see on social media today.

And I had fun – a lot of it on those forums and obviously as a result their audience grew.

In Napoleon Hill’s Laws of Success he talks about the Law of Reciprocity (mixed in with the Law of Increasing Returns).

Basically that states if you do something for someone because you truly WANT to, and NOT due to any hidden marketing or other reasons (I didn’t even have the spicyanderoticfetish.com site back then) . . . then the GOOD you do to other people via your actions will come back to you MANIFOLD – – with compound interest as it were.

And ditto for the BAD you do to people (or evil intentions).

Bread cast upon the water DOES come back.

There are no two ways around this truism, and in terms of femdom, if there ever was living proof – – well here it is – right in front of you!

And that’s that for now. Back soon.


Mike Watson

P.S. – Here is where you can grab our most popular books on Chinese femdom – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/chinese-femdom/

P.S #2 – While we’ve been talking a lot about Indian and Chinese femdom, another huge turn on for me and many people is “White on Asian (or others)” femdom . . . and it is IN this regard that I wrote “her Brown Slut” – a book that turns me on even right now while I send you the link. Check it out – you’ll love it!

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