I don’t know why, but “ethnic” wear of certain types lend themselves especially well to femdom – – and while I’ve mentioned my travels in the Middle East before – – my favorite form of ethnic wear BY far is the ubiquitous “sari” – – as worn in the Indian subcontinent!
Now for those not in the know, it’s hard to explain. Google is your best friend – – just google the word, and you’ll see what it looks like.
Its basically a long, loose (colored or otherwise) “garment” that drapes over the entire body and is worn with a blouse – – and in general, the stomach, upper back and arms are all visible – – and so are those lovely Indian feet, hehe, usually shod in high heels, clacking every so sexily as the wearer of the sari walks …
And if there ever was one garment that exposed the “fat prone” areas of the body the MOST – it’s the sari in my opinion.
The stomach, the upper arms … and I’ve often heard “vanilla” guys make jokes about the “rolls of fat” they see around many Indian ladies midsection, and while yes, it is NOT good for one’s health to have excess fat around the waist – – the FACT also is that it makes the femdom that much more interesting – and intense!
Especially the rolls of fat around the abdomen – a problem area for many, and an area most women are uncomfortable about (those that are overweight). And much like I wrote earlier about serving her during her most intimate moments – THIS TOO my friend – is another key area any true male submissive should not ignore!
What do I mean?
Well, I’ve spoken before about the foot massages I received in mainland China, and the “extras” offered during the second hour (for those still not on board with that, you’ll want to invest in Sin City – truly worth it!) – – and while that second hour was going on, or towards the end of the first, I often had the ladies massaging me (or lady) sit facing me with my thigs on theirs.
And they’d massage my stomach (albeit corpulent) at the time gently before moving on to the nipples (oh yes!).
Believe it or not though, the stomach massage was as much of a turn on as the nipple play was – except in a different way! The light touches, the gently “moving the fat around to reduce it” as the girls would giggle … all of it was so erotic – and in terms of femdom – why not YOU – the true male sub – do that for her??!
I’ve often dreamt of a gorgeously dominant and IMPERIOUS Indian lady like Ms. Priyanka, who would lie there on the bed comfortably, staring straight into my eyes with an expression of PURE DOMINANCE – and CONTROL – and satisfaction in having accomplished the above – – as I obediently complete the stomach massage – lovingly and “submissively” massaging the extra rolls of fat with the CARE they deserve – – and then move up to her nipples – or move my head down to her “wetness” – – or whatever she wants!
Worshipping another area of her body that is not “traditionally” considered sexy if fat – and the sheer appreciation that comes with it – – my, my … it truly DOES make for REAL femdom – – and as she lies there, enjoying it – – staring into your very eyes, arms comfortably over her head – – you’ll know what I mean as well!
And that, my friend is another “exhort” to worship her fully – as she is – and as she wants!
She truly does deserve it!
Mike Watson
P.S. – – If you have not already picked up your copy of “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China” what are you waiting for? Believe me, this book is NOT just geared towards understanding and then “getting” dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland – rather, ladies in general! Grab your copy right here – – https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/for-true-male-subs/ (on an offer right now – so hurry – that price won’t last long!)
P.S #2 – I recently saw a video of a Chinese lady that claimed she gained weight during the recent COVID-19 lockdown – and wasn’t shy about exposing the (admittedly very corpulent) rolls of – – massive rolls of – FAT around her midsection – – but the sheer confidence with which she did it? TRULY A TURN ON if you’re a true femdom lover – and that is yet another reason that I keep carping upon mainland China being truly the BEST place to be if you’re interested in true femdom!
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