Dear Reader,
One of the best parts about being in a true femdom relationship is the utter freedom to “embrace one’s feminine side completely” – in other words – be the perfect sissy for her- and then some!
While working up to the stage in your relationship where you can not just “talk” about being a sissy – or a cuckold – or preferably BOTH – but actually DO it – and BOTH derive enjoyment from it – takes a lot of work – believe me, the rewards are well worth it!
And I’ve often “ranted” (made mention of, hehe) the fact that it’s all about your thinking, my friend.
External circumstances, occurences and indeed our own life situations for a large part come about as a result of our thinking – and while I’m not saying our thoughts create EVERYTHING in our lives – I WILL say that if you’re currently in a relationship where you’re not satisfied – your thinking has a LOT to do with it, my friend.
And so does mental conditioning. When I say “thinking”, I mean the subconscious – – and it is the mighty subconscious whose power when harnessed correctly can literally create miracles in our lives – and literally “draw” to use what we so deeply desire!
And part of bringing the subconscious into play – and indeed, a huge, huge part at that is the “tap tap repetition” that Claude Bristol famously mentioned in “The Magic of Believing“.
It is repetition that is the nature of the Universe – be it water chipping away at rocks – or the deadly “put put” of a machine gun – – or the relentless drilling of a drill trying to uncover something – or even our own subconscious – and this is why I talk about MENTAL conditioning so often, my friend!
And in terms of sissies – this is doubly important, my friend.
It is all too easy to try and “jerk” your cock when youre really horny – and when your Mistress isn’t looking – – and it’s all too easy to forget your real purpose in life and demand a blowjob (for instance) – when you really should be licking her ass and begging her to bring her stud over for the night!
A true sissy KNOWS that the two most important things for her sexually are COCK (lots of them, but not hers!) – and feet!
A true sissy knows that his gratification comes from being sneered at – jeered at – by Mistress laughing planting her sweaty, dirty, beautiful soles flat on her face ordering her to worship them.
By his owner ordering him to get her ready for a date … and so on and so forth.
And the perfect time to think about all this, to drive the fact home even deeper into the subconscious is when you’re cumming – except in sissy style, as I’ve mentioned before!
Princess Tina has currently given me the duty of “fingering myself” in the shower – and indeed sometimes in front of her for her amusement – even after she has milked me and I don’t “need it” anymore.
“Woman finger themselves when no have man, boy!” , she went one day. “I want to see you do it!”
And this happens when she’s too tired to rape me – or her lover doesn’t want to – and I’ll often be moaning like a bitch in heat, fingering my ass – hitting just the right spots- and often times with her lover’s long, large cock draped right next to my face, so close that my tongue can reach out and lick his balls!
Often times this happens with her feet on my face.
Often times, I’ll be doing it in the shower- – with a soapy finger – but the key to all this isn’t so much the fingering – or the pleasure I get from it – it’s the thought behind it!
Sissy hypnosis as they call it, and rightfully so.
Large cock right in front of your face, footboy! Look at the glistening head, boy! Pull the skin back, and MARVEL at it! Look at the veins on the SHAFT!
He’s ready to cum, bitch! Jerk his cock while he spurts all over your face!
Ah, yes …. oh, fuck, take it, bitch! (as he pumps your mouth, balls slamming your chin, your nose buried DEEP in HIS pubic hair … dumping his seed deep, deep down your throat)
Her middle finger, and that look in the eye, just as he erupts ….!
His ass – and asshole as he’s about to cum – with your tongue deep in it …! Or your finger, gently rubbing the prostrate as he moans in pleasure like never before … HIS pleasure …!
Or her ass, for that matter. Or her FEET — how could I forget the feet – and soles – dominantly raised up – either to be worshiped – or to kick you – or to stamp you into OBLIVION – where you belong anyway, hehe.
And if all of the above turns you on – great – it SHOULD if you’re a true sissy – and as you spurt load after load of sissy cum and have those sissy orgasms, make sure you have the above images – or something akin to it – foremost in your mind.
This one tip alone will help you along further and quicker on your road to sissy”dom” than anything else, my friend!
And thats that for now – I’ll be back later!
Mike Watson
P.S. – By the way that is just ONE rule I’ve mentioned. There are many, many more – rules that I KNOW work – rules that I have learnt from sheer dint of hard experience – and rules that I want to pass on to YOU, my dear “sissy in …”, hehe. If ONE rule can benefit you so much – – think about how the remaining 24 would. And after thinking about it – find out right here –
P.S #2 – And while you’re at it, don’t forget to pick up a copy of Humiliation Central right here – –
P.P.S – Empress Cody had an unique way of humiliating her slaves – and one was to make us hump “air”. That’s just right, just air. Sophia Bai did this too to great effect, and there are many MORE such ways to truly humiliate your slave beyond the point of NO return. Again, here is that link – – click on over NOW – –
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