Speaking of itches, all the scratching I’ve been doing as of late. Woke up to no less than seven dead mosquitos and two flying around – have no idea where they came from, but other than the one bite on my biceps, that’s all I noticed.
Maybe that’s all they needed. ONE look, one bite… Hehe.
Anyway – I haven’t seen Bhagwati for over a week – and I’m missing her already. She often travels back to her hometown as well – and I often call her.
“Teri bahut yaad AA Rahi hai”….
“Im missing you a lot!”…
“Teri pyari si shakal dekhe bahut din ho gaye” (I haven’t seen your pretty little face in a long time!).
I don’t even need to say it.
She can FEEL it!
Miles and miles away,I know she can feel my breath on those lovely arms, as I can feel her kisses, those sexy lovely lips, big black INQUISITIVE eyes, KNOWING eyes ….
Thoughts and vibes travel across continents, across space and time. If you can project your thoughts into the minds of others, and get them to do what you want – and if you’re the good guy, what they NEED (and crave) – then you’re not only a mind Jedi but it’s a perfect match.
I’ve been doing this most of my life on auto pilot.
It’s one primary reason “I’m different”.
Words are meaningless without vibe which comes from the subconscious, deep down inside …
I can sense sissies in various parts of the world right NOW furiously tossing and turning , in a frenzy.
I said it once.
But the thought has already settled into subconscious minds globally…
Remember, your subconscious mind controls all. You can rebel against it, but not for long. You’ll be pulled back to where you KNOW you deserve to be and CRAVE to be – every time.
Here’s what “cow” Gabriella sent in – hehe – I rather like that moniker on her!
Master Sir,
Mooing just because you’ve finished something, mooing in public, at work, being seen as a crazy animal by everyone, why do I keep reading these emails! Why do I keep scrolling your content I’m so aroused, my clitty is pushing hard against the impenetrable steel that I now have no chance of removing. I’ve spent most of my morning just scrolling X and I don’t know why I do it to myself. I’m so aroused I’m almost shaking. As much as I deny my kinky ways, I don’t want a woman, I want a real man, I want cock I want to be abused, humiliated, blackmailed, exposed, laughed at while I moo, my cheeks bright red with shame, all of the things I’m seeing scattered across X. Your post about animal noises came at the right time while I was already horny and I mooed a little right then and there.
Oh God I think I need to spend some time off of X, my mind is swimming, I can’t concentrate on anything but cock and feet, I’m obsessed. Either I go cold turkey, delete X, and try to get my mind back to some kind of ‘normal thinking’ or I let go and immerse myself in it and spend even longer falling deeper into submission. So many times I’ve got to the point of deleting it but I just can’t get rid of it, can’t do that last step.
I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this, I’m sure you are busy with your loyal sissies, I just needed to vent and I have no one else I can say these things to. Thank you for listening.
How am I supposed to think about work or anything while I just want to dress like a cow or pig on all fours, plug myself and make humiliating noises. It’s literally all I’m thinking about, wondering how I can make myself look like a cow so I can expose online how pathetic I am. I should be stopping this, detoxing from all of the porn, of the images of cock, but that’s just impossible. My mind only wants exposure, wants to share everything, to destroy my vanilla life so I can never return to it. I’m so messed up.I agree that I shouldn’t be trying to detox, it’s never going to work, its an addiction that I love doing far too much to ever stop doing, it will always come back. I’ve purged my sissy things 4 or 5 times, and always gone out and bought it all over again. I’m just not sure I will ever get past this crazy attempt to cling on to my supposed control when you clearly have it all already.If I had the money I would be clucking on video, plugged and buying your next books, and that’s all while I consider myself to be free and out of your control. We both know you are in control, you have been for a long time and it’s only a matter of time before I share too much with you again and fall back under your official ownership, signing your ownership contract, giving you my life, or at least just admitting that you already have it.
Hilarious, but that’s the level of control I exert naturally. It’s what I keep telling people – once you’re in, you’re in. No outs.
People think “just words, I can leave anytime I like”.
No, you can’t. Hehe.
Anyway. He’s got an itch that needs to be scratched. He’s just not doing it for whatever reason…
And remember. When someone says they don’t “have money” – chances are excellent and second to none they HAVE it. They just don’t want to spend it for whatever reason.
And that’s fine by me – but the problem here isn’t me “ordering the cow to buy”.
Like I told the cow –
You should not be trying to detox from your true calling – if you did that would REALLY “mess” you up.
Everything I say should be taken as “advice” and not a direct order at this point as I don’t “own” you any longer as we both know. By that same token though, a wise sissy knows if she were to ignore or disregard advice given , it would be “at her own peril” – enough said on that one, eh. Haha.
The issue is her ITCH. It applies to ALL you sissies out there too whether you’re in my stable or not, boy.
And it will keep GROWING – no pun – until he addresses it. There’s no out.
It can be addressed the easy way – or the hard way. But addressed it must be. The little cow desperately wants to, craves – EDGING while clicking purchase and mooing. That will never go away regardless.
If it follows through and takes action as it did last week – it’s happy and relaxed for the next few days. Kind of like when I need my dick sucked by Bhagwati. She does it, swallows the load, and then I’m fine until the next time…
Taking ACTION is KEY. No pun. ️
Once it takes action, the mind knows it’s done what it could. Things will slowly return to semi normalcy as opposed to the crazed frenzy the cow is in now, in fact, I wonder even if her udders are producing actual MILK, such lust is she in!!
Not to mention it loves it’s udders milked. Ugh. That nasty milk (goo) I’d puke, like the gals did in Sin City Diaries. Ewwwwwww! Disgusting, boy!!!!!!
Remember too, this is a particularly rebellious slave. Like clockwork, it’s conscious mind throws up a barrier to the subconscious every week.
Like clockwork it melts down pretty soon too.
This idiot even had the temerity to once tell me that she changed her Twitter name back to her “real name”, another direct act of disobedience when I owned her, going so far as to say “it’s my account, I’ll do what I like”.
I didn’t even respond. No matter how benolvent, kind and loving the Emperor is, it’s beneath him to even acknowledge such rank INSOLENCE – let alone address it.
I let it slide.
Presto, a short week or so later, no pun, it’s changed its name back to what it should be, with no direct or indirect order or suggestion from me at all.
Why the cow can’t control her conscious mind from rebelling periodically (or why the donkey keeps digging it’s heels in occasionally) is beyond me (maybe she’s on her period? Hehe), but then again, weak minded cows… Pathetic saps.
She also has this “clingy” mentality in terms of money and life in general. Lots of folks do. Even “rich” folks. Clinging on to every last penny, reluctant to give old clothes to charity, keeping refrigerators that are centuries old if not more (my mother has this mentality – ugh) . . .
. . . I’ve always found it illogical. How would you ever manifest new if you aren’t willing to trust and let go of old?
When I want something – anything – I simply manifest it. Everyone can. Pity most don’t get it – anyway – back to the narrative here –
Here is what I told her –
Perhaps the two Volumes of “15 odes to Bhagwati Devi” and the books in the Krystal the Teaching Assistant series are worthy of consideration in your case – all priced at your “preferred” price point – but more importantly, Bhagwati is my #1 woman, so knowing about her, HER soles from an utterly debase submissive perspective would definitely be good for you. The Krystal series is the Chinese equivalent of the Serving an Indian Goddess series, except with a Chinese twist, in some ways more brutal, some ways more subtle, so I mention it.
The PEACE of mind you’ll get from these purchases (especially the former, knowing about and submitting to my #1 woman – real woman) is “bar none”.
You’ll feel CALM after the initial rush after edging. Anyway, again – like I said, just well intentioned advice, albeit one to ignore “at Sissy own peril”. Mooooooo!
It’s not a lot of money to be honest, so a bit of a bank overdraft, maybe borrowing from friends – whatever it takes – that peace of mind would be worth it in spades (no pun ), at least for me.
Yes, you shouldn’t be trying to deviate from what we both know is your destiny – your chosen destiny (the Universe has chosen it for you, and you too crave it, making it a very rare match!).
Glad you’ve realised I’m always in control no matter what – come to think of it, you always knew that didn’t you? Hehe…
Oink! OINnnnnnnK!
Much the same applies to YOU on this list, furiously edging away – but not purchasing. (The ones that don’t).
That itch must be scratched, boy. That’s the only way you’ll get PEACE of mind, the biggest wealth out there. Or the urge will grow, take your life over and you’ll do it anyway. You’ll have no choice. You never did .
Question is – do we do it the easy way? Or hard way? No pun, hehe.
And that’s that.
Mike Watson
PS – Pay attention, sissies, to what she says about thinking about NOTHING other than feet and cock.
Feet and cock, boy!
Feet – and COCK!
I could up sum up every true sissys life in these few words.
And if you’re a true sissy that is desperately craving to progress to the real thing, the next level, suck cock in real life etc – well, invest in Cock Worship for Sisses and Faggots – it will GUIDE and illuminate the way to sissydom like you have NEVER experienced before.
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