My, that’s a sexy memory indeed. For both Bhagwati and I.
One night as I often do, I pulled out, aimed straight at her pretty sexy DARK skinned face.
The big balls contracted and she took the load. On her face. Dripping off her nose, lips even – nothing new there, eh.
What was different this time, my first blast went into her eyes. And, the load was literally dripping off her beautiful eyelashes as she struggled – somewhat – to open her eyes amidst the stickiness.
Sexy as hell.
I often wonder what would happen if I held the eye lid wide open and unloaded in the manner you would use eye drops, straight to the eye balls.
I haven’t ever tried that with her, as I’m not entirely sure its a completely safe option. But the first definitely is!
She’s truly a sexy Queen – MY Queen and mine alone. Lots of you want to know more – well, for that you’ll have to sign up for the hottest sex subscription ever – the Bhagwati Devi Sex Files.
Steaming off the presses literally we just sent out this months newsletter. This particular story will be mentioned in detail in next month’s edition.
Remember the 25% off discount code too – 25percent – it won’t last beyond tomorrow. A lot of you have already taken advantage of it, some not, those that haven’t, snap into action – NOW.
And if you’re a cheapskate that claims I’m the best thing ever, different, sexy, all these millions of things I’m called by a whole bunch of people and “want to get my results”(which I understand – everyone wants them) but the minute I ask you to get a product you shy away thinking “oh no, I’ll have to pay!!!” – then you might as well do us both a favor and unsubscribe off the list.
Nothings free in life, is it?
I didn’t think so.
We certainly aren’t either. Certainly not with the nigh unparalleled value we provide – there are literally no courses like ours out there that give you SO much valuable info as ours do.
If you truly want and value it, you’ll find a way to get it regardless.
And that’s that.
Mike Watson
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