That ONE hot night in Kolkata as I had my first orgasm…

And this is an intensely personal memory I’ve not shared anywhere else as of now – not even in the sizzling hot Indian femdom recollections book. Maybe in Vol #2…

Twas not to female feet as you might imagine.

Twas on a hot summer night to a relative – younger (I was around 10, maybe 9) – males soles…who I often in Indian played “bandi bandi” with. Prisoner prisoner, till this date I’ve no idea why I chose that name or we did.

That game was one I invented, a “secret” washing feet. Each other’s. By turns. I believe the “bandi” ie prisoner did.

This is no doubt music, nay, symphony orchestra to the incest fetish lovers, but other than feet – nothing to report. Honest.

But the mind is what counts.

Those were the days, Manju, mentioned in the book above would squat obesquiously by me as I watched TV in a comfortable grandfather chair.

I felt irritated, thinking back on it (privacy). She’d show up all the time.

But it also “aroused” me though a younger me didn’t understand it.

How many guys remember the FIRST time they had a hard on?

Not many I bet. This morning I was thinking of this and other scandalous memories – things I often wonder if the other folks involved remember – I suspect they do – or see the significance of – I suspect most don’t and pass or off as “just something”…

..and I really believe it was that hot summer night in Kolkata, licking his SOLES, so soft and adorable – like my own – that relative was the one I oddly enough, no pun intended – got along with the most and best….

Something was building in my pants, I felt it, I wasn’t sure what or why, first time, but as I licked his soles furiously it excited me. My only other equally important thought – I hope he doesn’t wake up. I would have, but a lot aren’t light sleepers like I!

I still remember the gleam of my saliva on his soles, the moonlit night. Don’t know if it was a full moon or simply street lights, but the balcony was open, bedroom door open, all asleep in that giant house I remember like yesterday…

The broad feet, the toes… Sorta like my own lovely feet! X

Suddenly it contracted and “something” came out?


Oddly enough I remember the explosion more than the pleasure. I believe it was more that than actual pleasure at least for the first orgasm!

And thats that, I still remember the hot night, mosquito net

…and of course, my grandmother’s feet.

Nah. Nothing there!

But sizzling hot memories die hard, pun intended.

And thats that.


Mike Watson

PS – How many of you can relate to this sort of thing?

I suspect a lot…

And, I’ll be sharing in the near future an even more scandalous memory like this. Ah, the things we dont talk about, but perhaps should!

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