Paye lagu, Aanchal Ma’am. You’re so nice!
Had to start that off that way, anyway, I keep hearing these interesting comments about liking women with big muscles being “gay” and apparently, according to a lot of otherwise smart and sensible men, the reason for their massive muscles and gym work etc is “weak men around them”.
Oddly enough, most of these men have potbellies… Hee.
That male ego, that male insecurity!
I’ve never been a fan of huge bulging muscles either on men or women. We all know lean and mean is what everyone wants, especially around the core.
But if a female chooses to have large arms pounding away at the gym? Does that make her less feminine,less attractive?
I don’t think so!!
It comes from vibe, as always.
Not just femdom. Femininity as well.
Masculinity too.
All about vibe, thoughts,those eyes… The look!
I hear these same idiotic comments from men about “you prefer older women that have popped out three kids”.
If they knew how wonderful older women can be, they wouldn’t make those comments.
Open mind, guys. Never about age…
Personally, I’ve had my ex taller than me when she wore heels. Didn’t bother me none,or her, although I did once joke about buying a ladder to talk to her.hehehehe…
Nah, not really. It was a few cms, but even then,men get insecure there too!.
Ah,that all too fragile male ego…
Personally, Aanchal, and all the other female fitness coaches that seem to keep popping up on Twitter, it’s more to massage for me.
Those big arms,muscles , they need oil,tanning, and plus strong and confident women turn me on anyway.
Wouldnt hurt – pun – if that slap came down harder, or the kick landed harder.
Paye lagu, Madam …and thank you.
Keep being superbly awesome!!
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