So, it’s been an interesting day thus far!!
I just saw a post on social media about the oh-so IMPERIOUS Goddess I wrote about a while go. A long time ago, actually, Madam Michelle, but as I see her with one foot up on the sofa singing KTV somewhere in Southern China, I gotta say it again!
Apparently she’s been in a bad mood as of late.
And apparently she went to some “One for the Road” pub in Southern China . . . at least, from what social media told me.
But anyway, as I finish that last post about Princess Tina, and that FEELING OF being well and truly “got” in the balls, that STINGING numb feeling, and yet the pain and pleasure, I gotta say this!
That while “getting one for the road” may be a great thing to often times, and indeed something yours truly DOES a lot, the fact is for true femdom lovers?
One more SHOE to polish, boy!
One more nail to clean, manicure, and then paint your favorite color RED, gOddess!
And more.
Much, much more.
And the look in Madam Michelle’s eyes told me all I needed to know the first day . . .
. .. And the point of me saying all this?
Well the above, and … it brings to mind what a certain Cicy told me last year.
You remember her, don’t you? The lovely Madam … whats her name? I forget …
IT starts with A …
Ah, Andrea!
The gorgeous Andrea and Cicy, one more gorgeous than the other, though I can’t figure out which one! ?
And how they almost made me write a loooong book on meeting Queens in China, on business at that, hehe.
Which I’ve done of course.
Reference Ms. Chen … funnily enough, I wrote the book about her YEARS ago, and then met her later! ?
Funny how the subconscious mind works innit?
And how controversy truly generates many things . . . (don’t know why I Said that. Hehe).
Anyway, what she once told me was this.
“Mike, you have to take me out to dinner!”
Actualy, I think I was the one that said that. Not sure . . .
And after I said it, I joked about my “empty wallet” (it wasn’t though).
And before that, her comment?
Better take that wallet out, boy! I’m out to empty it!
And while “Cicy” didn’t empty my wallet, and neither did we finally get to have that dinner, the point stands, big time. Hehe.
I can just imagine it.
Yours truly washing dishes at a restaurant if I coujldn’t pay the bill, and that, my friends, was what perfect Madam Cicy told me.
For once, it’s been mostly business for her … hasn’t really gone anywhere. AS yet. And I don’t think it will. Sometimes it’s best not to!
I DO however recall a certain comment she made about her feet, and kissing them.
Which she vehemently denies to this day . . .
And so it goes, my friend. Have at!
Oh, and HERE is where you can pick up the ONE course that will attract dominant ladies to you like MOTHS to a flame, my friend – A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the mainland.
Mike Watson
PS – Indeed!
PS #2 – As for wallet emptying, and that feeling of just dropping down at her feet, and BEGGING HER TO TAKE CONTROL of your life, money, balls, cock and everything else! Wel,l I can relate my friend. I can relate. And thats why I put together my experience with Madam Pearl, cuckoldress and FINANCIAL domina (well, for me! ;)) au extraordinnaire right HERE – Submissive Musings in Mainland China – Volume #1.
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