Spicy and Erotic Fetish subscriptions!

Just a quick ‘un, or quickie, no pun intended or RELEASED. Hehe. Def. the latter!

But remember, our SUBSCRIPTIONS are super great value in addition to all we offer!

These include – and the list is constantly expanding, unlike sissy dong – The Wallet Rapers membership – the Sissy Subscription – language subscriptions (currently Spanish and French, we’re going to add others very soon – write back and tell me which language you would like!) – and the KING OF THEM ALL – the Watson Faithful!

These dont need to be linked here. They show with each product download as and when applicable, all you do is select the right option. And remember, we’re ALWAYS adding more and more products to the above categories, so getting it all for one price while you can (these are yearly or six monthly subscriptions for the most part) is well worth your time – and money!

And remember, once you’re in, youre in – no bailing.

No joining, downloading it all in one day (although there are no download limits currently set, these will be set soon in terms of how much you can download per day, if just because my courses have progressions, for them to work well, you have to first absorb, then practice, then DO and then something happens, and then you move to the next level) … and no cancelations.

Now, I know very well I dont need to say that last bit, xx – but I did anyway so we’re all (remaining) on the same page.

And that my friend is that.

Welcome to a whole new you, and a whole new world of fetish like only Mike Watson can BRING YOU – raw, uncensored, truly reality mixed with a dab of creative license, not, and NEVER the other way around!


Mike Watson

PS – Plenty of other benefits will be unlocked too with subscriptions. The sales page for these explain MORE.

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