What he learned from Cuck Central!

Daniel Rose (CA??) recently sent in this review for Cuck Central

Hello, Mike! Sorry that I haven’t been able to reply. I have been extremely busy the past few days as I have quite a few jobs coming in and it is difficult to manage everything in time.

I really enjoyed reading out your book however, it was really interesting and exciting. There’s a lot of new things I’ve personally learnt from it and I’m glad you were able to share your own personal experience as it really shines in the book and does a good job of conveying your personality as a whole.

I really hope that it receives the traction it deserves as I know that you put a lot of time and effort into your work judging by how many books you aim to put out all the time. I can tell you’re passionate and I respect that! As for the review, I’ll try to submit one a bit later today.

I don’t usually write reviews so I’m not sure if there’s any requirements that need to be met beforehand but I’ll have a look into it. All the best, Daniel Rose.

Submit a review?

Well, Daniela, you’ve – Daniel, I should say, hehe -you’ve already DONE THAT – Daniela submitted some for the other books as we all know.

but what he means is he will submit a proper written review on Amazon and I will bring that to you too my friend.

Now, this book will be on Audible soon, and you’ll want to get it THERE too.

But while he hasn’t mentioned what exactly he learned, I’ll bet “busting (no pun) the cucks with a small dick myth” is one of the many things he learned.

I can picture him thinking “hmm, and here I thought cucks all have (it came out as sucks when I wrote it, hehe) small dicks so they get off on it!”

The entire Audible narration has been done so smoothly and perfectly I can’t believe it, truly, when you picture something and DESIRE it with full faith and GUMPTION – the Universe parts the OCEANS for you, and I can see Jesus parting them right now as we SPEAK!

Anyway – this book is already getting traction – thanks Daniel! And thanks as well for your kind words – yes, being passionate is what it’s all about, and it shows, and its nice to be appreciated in that regard especially when it’s well warranted.

You guys will want to get this NOW.

And start LEARNING what NO-ONE else teaches you about cuckolding, if you truly want to live the cuckolded life of your dreams, and believe me, real life is about 100 x more exciting than purely the fantasy.

I’ve been there.

I’ve done that.

I continue to.

And I keep sucking and getting more BLOBS on that (interesting how a certain Paula’s email attachments show up as named “blob” hehe) T shirt!

So should you, my friend. So should you, and as I get done with a sissy workout of my LIFE – I bring this here to you.



Mike Watson


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