Why she ALWAYS has the right to be AS irritating as she so CHOOSES, boy!

And she does.

Women can be -are that way, often times. Hehe.

Every guy knows it.

Those “annoying” messages you get so often from girls which are neither sexy nor a turn on nor “interesting” … maybe just checking back on something, maybe just asking you to teach them English which you dont want to, hehe – or anything of that nature!

Anyone in any sort of relationship knows this.

But true success in life – and femdom too, my friend (i.e. living the female dominated life of your dreams in REALITY as opposed to just READING about it) … comes only from taking the most unbearable of circumstances and turning them into positives no matter what.

True winners do that.

They have done it through the ages.

They – FOUND – a way to do it !

And this could -and should – will be (in expanded form) an affirmation in Volume Three of what is one of our most successful series thus far “16 Incredibly Powerful Femdom Affirmations that will attract femdom to YOU like moths to a flame – on AUTO PILOT!

Now, you’ve seen enough proof of this in my own life.

Likely in yours too, if you’ve combined this with the pointers laid out – no pun, hehe – in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China“.

But it can be tough eh.

I still remember a certain Empress Cody messaging me about some work related issues – something that was blindingly obvious, something that a two year old should have figured out in my opinion, she didnt, I had to hold her hand and walk her through it, and I got irritated, one thing led to the other, first it was about me “deleting” her – then about her saying NO – and then I got more irritated – and then, well, she burst out.

“Im not your servant! Be more polite!”

Or something like that.

I was nigh ASTONISHED, all I was doing was stating facts w.r.t. the case. Maybe a bit firmly, but thats it, I certainly had no thoughts of the Empress being my servant – as you can tell from the book, the reverse was very true though!

But, I, more than everyone else out there should have known how women react to things. Hehe.

OF course, with me I then made it right… (which is why Cody is not mentioned in another hidden gem amongst my books – “11 Missed Femdom Opportunities …… and how LEARNING from these experiences can benefit YOU the prospective femdom enthusiast (male or female!)) 

The book has more – Empress Cody is truly one of those hidden GEMS my friend.

But, I should have reacted to each stupid question as follows –

“Ma’am, you’re so nice for asking that!”

“Ma’am, I’m so sorry I did not explain properly!”

“Oh, Ma’am, you’re so nice for asking the boring questions!”

And so forth …

This sort of SUBLIMINAL, repeated “training” (in a way) is what really gets into her pyschological setup, my friend -and makes her the BEST and most natural Domme for you ever.

And repetition of the same chant, the same incantation, the same affirmations lead to belief on YOUR part, my friend, even if those are recited silently. 

Once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction, things begin to HAPPEN. 

Claude Bristol said it, and readers of the wonderful series above have noted it too!

And that lovely change will happen in your life too, provided you take action, and keep DOING the thing (doing it for three days and then no more, for instance, as a certain guy did – will NOT give you results, it has to be with you everyday if you get my drift, if it’s a passion, deep down inside something you really want? It will be there with you no matter what, and you’ll FIND a way to get it).

And thats that – step up as we head into the new year, my friend – make it a promise to yourself to make it the most fun filled, fetish filled, FEMALE DOMINATED New Year ever (and year in general) ever!

Get the above books NOW. Start attracting femdom into your life like NEVER BEFORE – at levels you didnt even DREAM OF !


Mike Watson

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