Dear Reader,
Last night I saw the sexiest thing ever – or should I say ONE of the sexiest things ever.
Or I should say one amongst many, many sexy “things” – or “visions” (which would be more appropriate term to use here) that I’ve seen in the recent past!
Whatever it is – it wasn’t something that most people would consider as being even remotely sexy.
What was it, you ask?
Well, I saw a girl – a lady, I should say 😉 – in the market wearing a pair of shorts – and flip flops – and her lovely tanned bare legs, of course.
I was looking at her from the back, so I have NO idea what she looks like, but even I did, I probably wouldn’t care, and why?
Well, my attention was immediately drawn to her left foot – – which was “arched” as she was standing – – as many a lady often does when wearing shoes or flip flops, she had taken them off partially, and there was this most mesmerizing foot arch I could see – and boy did it turn me on or what.
Foot fetishists will know what I am talking about here, of course. There is probably nothing sexier to most of us that love female feet with a passion than an arch – and when accompanied by a flip flop – or a heel – or SHOE (and the dirtier it is, the better ;)) – well – thats the icing on the already delicious cake right there!
Though a couple of other people were looking at me curiously, my eyes were searching in the dark for her toes – and when I did see ’em, I saw the foot in it’s entirety.
A broad foot – well maintained, but the toes were not polished – and the second toe was somewhat bigger than the first.
Kind of like Garima Madam’s feet, if I recall correctly (how dare I forget, eh! Whack! ;)) … and for whatever reason, I’ve been attracting ladies wearing flip flops to me these days, although it’s almost winter in this “here” neck of the woods!
We truly do … ah, but you know that part already, don’t you?
Anyway, in the Indian Goddess series, the budding D/s relationship between Madam Priyanka and her willing slave was so abruptly terminated in Volume #3 that it left readers wondering “what if” and “what next”.
These concerns, of course were addressed – and MORE – in the Sequels to this wonderful series – and the Sequel starts with yours truly dreaming of the Goddess that so abruptly left him – and her flip flops, of course!
How could I ever, ever forget your flip flops, Priyanka – or should I say “Jyoti ;))” – that fine summer day I saw you in them flip flops truly did turn my life upside down and topsy turvy forever – in a GOOD way!
Anyway, that’s it for today. A bit of an update from the foot fetish world as it were – – and if you’re looking for the natural add on to that – humiliation – well – we’ve got you covered right here – –
Those are Princess Joanie’s feet – while she’s on holiday – paid for by … guess who! And if there EVER was a lady with beautiful feet, it’s this lovely lass from Southern China …
Mike Watson
P.S. – We’ve got plenty of more products from you to choose from this holiday season. If you haven’t availed of these during “Cyber Monday” – well – worry not. We aint going nowhere anytime quick!
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