First love, first COCK, first FOOT …

All of it! Hehe.

We never forget our first loves, do we?

Fetish wise, this applies too. The first cock you sucked, sissy, is always special! The first foot you worshipped, always so, the first LADY you worshipped, also so!

(His dick was really so thick and massive, so perfect! Yes, Ma’am. Slim guys do have the biggest dicks, he shot SO HIGH UP in the air! He loved it! I wish I could have worshipped that snorter of a DONG more!)

Anyway, before all that …

I’ve been dealing with an insanely annoying issue – one that has me tearing my hair out, one that had me contacting the lovely Christina at the bank. A lovely lady indeed, and as she giggled and told me “no solution for this!” – while I was so frustrated – that made it all worth it!

As I told Ma’am.

“Well, at least one benefit. You’re laughing!”


It’s so nice, amusing women!

As I said on Twitter, the sound of women laughing, giggling, pointing, thinking, is so nice (yes, thinking too!) … even if not directly at me!



The first dong I sucked – well, linked above. Shortly thereafter the second one!

Then I believe in the middle somewhere down the line – the lovely dong Kendrick possesses – detailed and described so well in “Meeting Ms Chen” (blackmail lovers will LOVE this true tale. Venus, you’re a Queen! Hehe).

(not the other Venus I write about so often, this is a different lady, but I gave her the name).

But the first foot I worshipped?

Part of the “first foot” is detailed in 16 Indian Femdom Recollections – if you read between the lines.

But the REAL first foot I worshipped was when I had my first orgasm, at the age of 11 I believe, then there were more…

That first foot, or first few feet – I have NEVER written about them, maybe I will someday!

But I remember that first orgasm, the dick just kept getting harder and harder, I didnt even know why – then it BLASTED OUT!

I remember thinking (much like girls on their first periods do) “what is this”.

No-one around to explain it to me, and in my abusive (mentally) family that I grew up in, it would likely have resulted in more spankings if I asked. Hehe.

I figured I’d clean up, go to sleep, I did, next morning, I was fine…

I still remember that night in Kolkata, the hot fetid air around me, the mosquito nets we used back then …

That first SOLE, it wasn’t even female! (if you can believe that – though the rest were. Hehe).

The lines blur, but the first memories never go away.

Nor SHOULD they ever.

They’re all we have, if you think about it!

(My friend was asking me the other day about China, why I love it so much – the memories, is what I told him.

Memories, he went. Forget all that! Thats all gone!

And that thinking is what keeps the world where it is – in stasis. And goin gbackwards.

ALWAYS cherish them GREAT memories, and use the FORCE from them to propel yourself FORWARD so you have BETTER memories later.

The world in general could do that!).


Mike Watson

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