El Cheapo Moooos! Part six, hehe.

A long time ago, I was with my girlfriend (at the time)s Dad at the checkout counter at the Dollar store, along with Walmart, one of his favourite places to shop.

The black girl at the counter handed him his change. It was a dime short, I believe…

It was the year 2000. Most including me would be like “whatever”.

He stood there and actually wouldn’t budge until she scrounged through spare change at the counter and found some.

I remember my girl telling me later how “her cheeks flushed red with embarassment at how cheap Dad was”.

Funny part, there was no need. He was Vice President at a decent sized company, made plenty of money, yet….

… It’s the mentality, folks.

A recent Sissy that was banished to the wilderness and off my Twitter, IG etc for repeated rebellion has this same mentality.

Lots of people, not just sissies in general do.

“A penny saved is a penny earned”.

It’s one of the reasons I keep my prices high. Of course, compared to the unparalleled value you get from these courses and the FACT that there is NO ONE out there doing this sort of this at the scale WE do – the prices are still a rank bargain to be honest.

High prices tend to keep bargain seekers and penny pinchers away. They attract those who understand that quality, real quality – not “fake so called one time quality” cannot be bartered, bargained, duplicated – much like a Bugatti comes with a price tag you’d expect and shake your head in disbelief if it was lower – the same thing applies to my products.

And that’s the sort of customer I prefer , that recognise class and quality when they see (feel it).

“Master, you’re WAY out of my league”

Of course I am you idiot. I put a very high price tag on myself, everything I do. If you don’t match up to my admittedly very EXACTING standards in terms of who I want around me, a nutter who WANTS it all but doesn’t have the “motivation to do what’s required to GET it and then some” – friends – customers, sissies, women, partners etc – then you’re instantly OUT – forever. No second thoughts regardless.


A lot of the cheapskates have the same thinking when it comes to MOOING. A new sissy “Polly” falls in this category too. She’s been banished off Twitter too for being cheap, rebellious and not doing as she was told to.

Cheeks flushed SCARLET with embarassment, Polly tries not to moo – but she has no choice. My wish, her command.

She seems to have this thinking of “conserve” her moos.

No, you fool!

You have to stop hoarding in order to revive abundance in all shapes, forms and guides. You have to give FIRST before you can recieve. Understand what you put out in this world, money and moos included – comes BACK to you in triplicate. No, these are NOT mere words.

Every time you moo, sissies in my stable throughout the world FEEL it.

While sleeping they toss and turn fitfully , the pleasant fog enveloping their pathetic minds.

They start to moo too – the chorus of moos revebrating around the WORLD till it becomes a sissy anthem of sorts, almost!


The call to sissy ARMS. The call, beckon of the sissy WILD.

Never hoard. Never conserve.

Sharing is caring, and that’s that.


Mike Watson

PS – Polly was instructed to get “25 odes to alpha males in underwear“, a must grab for every true sissy. In typical indecisive female manner she picked out another product – ugh.

If YOU on the list are reading, salivating, mooing as you READ, scrolling hornily (horny? Cow?  No pun? Mooooooo!) – that above product is an absolute must grab.

Get it NOW.

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