Seeing the HEAD of the penis emerge from its sheath last night..

Two men.

Ones member was getting enlarged, the other was sitting there, his got enlarged too.

Like a LOT of men who deny vociferously that penis turns them, almost…

Seeing the head emerge from its sheath is one of cutest and sexiest things ever , especially in a long penis.

This time in the dream though I even remember thinking, like Madam Megan said about Master Wangs delectable penis “ugly”.

I didn’t quite feel that in the dream but it looked, well, red and nasty…

The second, well, it wasn’t as much emphasized as the first. It belonged to a guy I once “knew”, though that’s likely a symbol.

Most of my dreams, if not all always, without exception indicate super good luck. That’s how I program myself before bed.

And as I decipher this dream, the engorged member getting LONGER – the head FINALLY escaping it’s sheath – the only thing left to do is to point you to the very definitive guide on penises out there – Penis Central.

All shapes, sizes and colors covered – with illustrative pics. The insights this book will give you are simply mind blowing, friend – no pun intended.

Cock Worship for Sissies and Faggots too. Contrary to what the name of the book says, it’s for everyone that loves cock my friend.

And that’s that for now.

Off to the park where I’ll no doubt br accosted by lots of Indian females all ponting their soles at me. Hehe.


Mike Watson

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