I’ll always remember an old black friend of mine remarking
“I wouldnt mind letting a guy do it”
“in the dark, all you can feel is the lips!”
I dont know if that is entirely accurate, a woman and a guy – well, both are different, I can “feel both” EVEN if I can’t see them, even if they have thick lips perfect naturally for giving head like mine, and a willing tongue, even if their skin is soft, so forth – its just different!
but not everyone is that perceptive. Hehe.
To each his/her/in between own!
And sometimes, men get so horny!
Indeed, men are sometimes, and I’ve written about this before, better at sucking dick than many women – if just because men know what other men want, and LOVE sucking cock (some) so much!
It’s the COCK that matters to guys like that – cock, balls, and asscrack, (this course is a MUST grab, I haven’t promoted it enough, but it’sa MUST GRAB! – you MUST , I repeat, MUST learn to worship ass as well as you do COCK AND BALLS!) – and soles, much like with real femdom lovers its always all about the mind – and the sole of her foot – and all else – I repeat ALL ELSE – secondary, and then some, big time, pun!
Same thing with licking women, men are often better at it, if just for the sheer horny factor. Hehe.
I know, that don’t make sense, women should know what women want better eh.
Maybe they do, maybe they dont – money wise they definitely do, and should. Hehe.
But women are often women’s WORST enemies.
Anyway, where is this leading up to.
All these lovely men I know – whose dicks – dongs – cocks – penises! – I’ve had the PLEASURE and PRIVELEGE of slobbing on so happily while they relax..
They may not be much to look at , they may not be big and strong (most aren’t) – they may not be he men on the outside (but remember, most studs on the outside are WIMPS in bed, period) – and so forth – nothing about them, you might think..
Master Wang for one looks like a school child sometimes, especially with a mask on. .Literally!
But, his DONG!
That cock and those pubes, the long hard PERFECTLY straight type described in Penis Central – that is what COCK lovers want, and are concerned with!
Jeremy, the THICK long kind!
Rueben, the normal – yet straight kind!
OF course Jerome, the “fire hose” sort described in the book.
And more – I know so many men, and since so many of YOU reading this (lets face it) really, really want penis in your mouth (and perhaps ass too), I thought I’d put the offer out again for you.
ALL these guys are exclusive i.e. they wont let “just anyone” near their precious, lovely dongs. (which are all DIFFERENT, which also makes it all worth like. Like a BUFFET of lovely COCKS! All waiting to be pleasured, I wont even get into ass, BALLS and ass crack – and lovely assholes, so FRAGRANT!!! – here).
In many cases I’m the ONLY person they’ll let near, even if I recommend others!
I’m just so good at what I do. Hehe.
(thank me later, bows!)
(sissy bow, with a bow around my neck, hehe)
But they all want one thing, someone who KNOWS how to worship cock, not just bob up and down on dick as most think it should be done, they want CONNESSIURS OF COCK – they want people who truly LOVE it – male is fine too, some guys have this thing about “I would kill some other guy who wanted my cock!” (while secretly being a faggot) – and more.
So, if you’ve got the course above – you’ve got an offer waiting for you – free intro!
And that alone is worth its weight in spades. Remember, these dongs dont come easy – or free.
And these men certainly dont!
Much like the Watson Faithful offer (i.e. become a member, and one free intro to a dominant lady is YOURS) – what you do after the intro is up to you, I can’t control it if you’re a jackass and not respectful or so forth. Entirely up to you, though my manuals teach you all you need to know and then some, if you follow what I’ve written, you’ll never ever be SPURNED.
So get the course now – if you’re one of those that really, really wants cock in mouth now – and many of you do – you’ll never regret it – life changing, if I might say so!
Truly, you NEVER go back once you give in to your inner desires, if you PROPERLY do.
Mike Watson
PS – If you’re a dude, make sure your hands are nice, soft, smooth sissy style before grabbing his dong, else (and I prefer this) NO HANDS!
in fact, for sissies that love workouts like me, I’d say NEVER touch his dong, period. Just lips and ass, those are soft feel good parts!
Even the jerking off should be done with LOTION!
(like in Sin City Diaries).
There – another free tip. Nothing like VALUE does ole Mike offer!
PS $2 – The other (nah, no two dolla bj’s coming, hehe) – thing? Well, the free tip I just gave out is not explicitly laid out in possibly our most popular course as of late, Sissy Central. But it’s there indirectly if you see it.
Along with 25 other tips guaranteed to have you turning into the perfect sissy EVERYONE wants, indeed, they’ll be CLAMORING for you, sissy! – you MUST get this course, period!
PS #3 – No idiots like Glyn Schofield in Brum wanted. Ugh! You know, that guy on the outed page! He keeps badgering my friend (fitness dude) for his dong – UGH!
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