What a reader NOT into femdom thought of my brutally honest femdom books!

Princess Joanie, to be exact, which of course to be exact – is even more brutally honest than some of the other books on Chinese femdom I’ve written – much like the effect Joanie had on me from the get go!

I wonder what he’ll say if he reads Pooja Memsahib… JI! – will Roberto, from whom the review is coming!

He’s not into femdom – which is interesting, but here is what he says.

Here is what he says –

Hi Mike, I found the book very intriguing, though I’m not into femdom, so maybe I can’t really appreciate it fully. But it is indeed one of a kind, as per your words. Really blunt, not ordinary fiction.

And he’s right, of course!

If there is one thing that seperates the real Macca (Mc Coy, hehe) of femdom from the wannabes out there, it is as my former publisher once said “keeping one foot in the real world”.

My books are brutally honest – they are all mostly TRUE (reality mixed in with a dab of creative license, sometimes more, but NOT a lot!) as opposed to other writers where it’s usually the other way around. And, I keep BOTH feet firmly in the real world.

THAT is what makes my books different, other than of course the vast in depth knowledge I have on these topics.

So much so that Lucy, every time someone asks her about anything sexual, she just directs them to me. Hehe.

It’s not EVEN topping from the bottom though or even close…

But anyway, this 104 page (approx) has been translated now into Italian too, and being Roberto was the translator too, he did a DAMN fine job of it – so much so I gave him a glowing review – but more importantly, his feedback on the book?

Very intriguing. And it’s just Volume #1. Wait till you see the others!

(same thing with Madam Carrie, the volumes just build up!)

(Vol #4 is where we are on that, Vol #2 for this one)

“Indeed one of a kind”

That it is! Hehe. So was Joanie.


So – NICE!

And of course, hard hitting and blunt. 

All sums up Mike watson pretty nicely, and his work too.

Anyway, I gave the translation a great review which I feel compelled to share here, so I will –

Roberto did an absolutely stellar job of translating my book “Princess Joanie”! One of the main grouses I have with people translating is the tendency to translate even though some words or phrases in the English language might not be “translating over exactly” as it were (language differences, as we’re all aware) – and also the format of the book being kept as is i.e. page breaks, chapter breaks etc.

From the get go, Roberto paid great attention to these details, and delivered a great final product. Highly recommended!!

Much like Princess Dani who did a few books in Spanish, he took the time out to ASK (specifically, about what the phrase “To a T” meant and certain others) when he did not understand. And I greatly appreciate that!

Great book, I’ll keep y’all posted on the translations page as to when the translation is finally out …

And that, my friend is that.

Back soon – get the books above NOW if you have not already.


Mike Watson

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