Dear Reader,
Cocks, cocks and more cocks was how I finished the last email off, and given my recent sissy spate of writing, THAT don’t surprise “yours truly cucked”, hehe.
And it shouldn’t surprise you either!
Anyway, I was suddenly remined of something – a pestilience to be honest for me.
Black Friday, that day of DOOM at the supermarkets.
I could neve runderstand the way people literally claw each other to get that “last item” at 20% off …
COVID may have slowed down the madness some, but it’s still very much there online, of course.
But anyway.
In honor of both my sissy spate and the black cocks and cuckoldresses that INSPIRED all this, I’m throwing the SISSY GATES wide open!
Actuall,y I’m throwing the “gates” wide open I should say, or perhaps femdom gates.
Between now and December 2, you can get ALL products on the site at a flat 30% off – no matter which one you buy.
The only condition is a minimum $50 purchase …
And I was going to do this only for the sissy products for obvious reasons (and the cuck products).
But I decided to do it for all.
The coupon code is “BLACKCOCK”. (without the quotes).
Have at! 😉
Mike Watson
PS – You really must pick up the Sissy Reader right here as well, my friend.
PS #2 – the discount starts NOW, with this email, but it ends on December 2. Might as well get an early start, hehe.
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